// These are text phrases for Lime. // This file must follow a strict format to be usable by Lime. // Some spellings were modified to help JAWS (demisemiquaver)z LimeLanguage = #4 PianoWindowBoxXOffsets = [2,2,7,6,6,6,3,1,5,7,0,-1,2,5,-1,5,1,3,4,4,2,2,2,2,2,6,6,6,6,6,0,3,3,0,5] ParameterHeadingOrder = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26] Acc.cpp { "acc.c: unrecognized operation in adjust_accidental_plotting", } { "Bad accidental in adjust_accidentals", } { "NIL ptr in find_prevmod7()", } ALIGN.CPP { "You have a text annotation with the Centered annotation control checked, so it cannot be moved horizontally.", } Anno.cpp { "logic error in select_anno", } { "Unrecognized modeless dialog (annotate.c)", } { "Unexpected OK item in annotate.c", } { "Unexpected PianoWindow dialog item in MUSIC_MODE", } { "Unexpected item returned from annotate piano window", } { "unrecognized MODE in icon_update (annotate.c)", } { "Illegal operation for invert_icon()!", } { "Uninterpreted ", } { "Text Annotation ", } { "Curve Annotation ", } { "Line Annotation ", } { " with Extend style", } { " [affects playback]", } { " in every part", } { " at each system", } { " on each page", } { " not in score", } { " only in score", } { " this notation context only", } { " control-drag to create", } { " command-drag to create", } { "group_highlight_anno in MUSIC_MODE!", } { "Bad call to anno_refloc!", } { "Ajacent TPARAM for anno_draw!", } { "Bad parameter to delete_anno_nodes: %lx kind %s", } Annocopy.cpp { "bad menu_item on anno_cut_copy in annotate.c", } { "bad set_label on anno_cut_copy in annotate.c", } { "All the selected annotations must be from one note for Duplicate In Every Part.", } { "All the selected annotations must be from one note for Duplicate At Each System.", } { "All the selected annotations must be from one note for Duplicate On Each Page.", } { "All the selected annotations must be from one note for Cut Annotations or Copy Annotations.", } { "Bad value of only_this_anno in anno_cut_copy!", } { "Annotation not visible for cut or copy.", } { "Paste type confusion for annotations.", } { "Not editing Score for anno_part_label_clear!", } { "Bad call to everyparter; not in Score!", } Beaming.cpp { "bad pstaff in endchord (spacing2.c)", } { "new_note_in_beam logic error in fix_beam_buffer: pstaff %hd, layer %d, dir %hd grace %d", } { "fix_beam_buffer: nextpstaff %hd out of range %hd..%hd", } { "Unterminated beam: pstaff %hd, dir %hd, grace %hd", } Braille.cpp { "Bad pointer for IDFromTilia() %x", } Charset.cpp { "Tilia font %hd not recognized in TiliaToMacFont()!", } { "Bad parameter for xnotehead_to_char()", } Color.cpp { "\pNotehead", } { "\pAnnotation", } { "\pSet Custom Brightness and Color:", } { "Unexpected item returned from color_dialog dialog", } { "\pNoAnimate", } Command.cpp { "To change the shortcut key for a menu option, hold down %s as you select the menu option with the mouse.%s%sTo change an alphanumeric key that corresponds to the Piano Window, hold down %s as you click in the Piano Window.", } { "Control", } { "Command", } { "You must type one letter (a-z), or type nothing at all.", } { "Control-H and Control-C cannot be used.", } { "You cannot change Command-%c!", } { "Command-%c cannot be changed.", } { "Unexpected item returned from command dialog", } Copypast.cpp { "Logic error in copy_to_clipboard (copypaste.c)", } { "This is not available, because you are using an old version of Windows.", } { "Lime Music Notation Software\0%s\0\0", } { "Putscrap failed; the picture size is %ld", } { "When you copy music, all the notes must be from one voice! (Try Highlight Voice to avoid selecting multiple voices.)", } { "When you copy music, all the notes must be from one voice! (You have a hidden rest selected.)", } { "number", } { "Unexpected item returned from copy measures dialog", } { "You cannot Copy Music over key changes!", } { "You cannot paste here because all voices are not at a timing boundary.", } { "You are trying to paste something with %d voices, but this staff has only %d voices here. Use the Parts and Voices menu option to start more voices.", } { "The notes were copied from a different key signature. Do you want to transpose them?", } { "The copied notes had a different concert pitch set by the Key Signature option -- do you want to paste anyway?", } { "You cannot Paste Music over key changes!", } { "Note error for UNARY_COPY in unary_node()!", } { "Note error for UNARY_DELETE in unary_node()!", } { "Illegal operation for unary_node()!", } CURSOR.CPP { "Unrecognized cursor %hd in set_cursor", } Dialog.cpp { "Expected item number %hd to be editable-text", } { "Illegal %s; please use one integer between %ld and %ld.", } { "Illegal %s; please use an integer between %ld and %ld.", } { "Illegal %s; please use a number between %g and %g.", } { "Illegal %s; please use one hex value between %lx and %lx.", } { "Illegal %s; please use a hex value between %lx and %lx.", } { "Expected item number %hd to be a check box", } { "Expected item number %hd to be a radio button", } { "Illegal operation for invert_item()!", } { "REPORT_ERROR %hd: %s", } { "\pfilename", } { "Graphics Save Lime piece as:", } { "Save piece as:", } { "Save MIDI file as:", } { "Save NIFF file as:", } { "Save OMR image as:", } { "Save MusicXML file as:", } { "FSMakeFSSpec fails with %hd", } { "Unexpected item returned from number dialog", } { "really_alert not drawn", } { "Unknown alert_result in really_alert.", } { "yesno_alert not drawn", } { "Unknown alert_result in yesno_alert", } { "yesnocan_alert not drawn", } { "Unknown alert_result in yesnocan_alert", } { "http://www.cerlsoundgroup.org", } { "Email: Lime@cerlsoundgroup.org", } { "\p (view-only version)", } { "\p (checking version)", } { "\p (view-only checking version)", } { "about_lime_alert not drawn", } { "Unknown alert_result in about_lime_alert", } Disk.cpp { "Bit reordering string error!", } { "Illegal parameter node in reorder_bytes_for_Windows()!", } Disptil.cpp { "Called group_highlight_note() while not in MUSIC_MODE; MODE is %hd.", } { "group_unhighlight_note() while not in MUSIC_MODE; MODE is %hd", } { "Called TiliaRect with note not visible on screen", } Drawanno.cpp { "LINE with NODRAW but without xeocvar in drawanno.c", } { "text_width has bad xadjacent text", } { "Illegal TPARAM node: no following TEXT node (collect_text in drawanno.c)", } { "drawtext has bad xadjacent text", } { "unrecognized value for xjustified (drawanno.c)", } { "TPARAM with NODRAW but without xeocvar in drawanno.c", } Draweoc.cpp { "Bad Tilia node for find_obj!", } { "Bad variety value in find_obj!", } { "Bad ordinal value in find_obj!", } { "No PDATA node in find_obj!", } Drawmark.cpp { "warning: calling draw_marks_always for note which is not last on stem", } { "warning: calling draw_marks_sometimes for note which is not last on stem", } { "Confusion over previous note in drawtupl()!", } { "Bad pcddata hiy in drawtupl()!", } Drawtie.cpp { "NIL slurptr->head in drawtie.c!", } { "cddata logic error in drawtie.c", } Durashn.cpp { "Bad types for same_tupl: %d %d", } { "Bad type for get_ratio: %d", } { "zero denominator in get_ratio(): bad xtupl", } { "timesig logic error in durashn.c", } { "Bad beamtype in call of beatbound (durashn.c)", } { "Bad place in call of beatbound (durashn.c)", } Editops.cpp { "testing check_first_note_of_voice_on_page(NIL)", } { "testing check_last_note_of_voice_on_page(NIL)", } { "testing last_system_of_page(NIL)", } { "testing first_system_of_page(NIL)", } { "testing last_system_of_piece(NIL)", } { "find_time(NIL)", } { "find_meas_time_left(NIL)", } { "find_meas_time_left(non-note)", } { "Find_pstaff called while partially formatted!", } { "Find_pstaff is unsuccessful.", } Event.cpp { "mouse down event for unrecognized window", } { "unrecognized event %hd message %0lx ", } { "update unrecognized window in std_misc_event()", } { "bad call on content_click (event.c)", } { "x offset logic error in event.c", } { "Unrecognized control in content_click", } { "xscroll %hd not zero mod 16", } { "xscroll logic error in event.c", } { "repeating_scroll_proc: unrecognized control", } { "repeating_scroll_proc: Unrecognized control part %hd", } { "Not a MusicWindow in draw_MusicWindow_controls()!", } Finishcd.cpp { "Inconsistency in multi-value chord.", } Flash.cpp { "Inconsistent call to stop_flashing in flash.c.", } { "Bad call on show_as_flashed in flash.c; got %lx, expected %lx.", } Format.cpp { "Too many staves on the page; the page will be split.", } { "format.c: trying to use %hd staves for system 1; max staves %hd", } { "format.c: pstaff logic error in find_staves...", } { "PRINT node not found in format.c: sys %hd voice %hd xkind(%lx) %hd", } Ftoe.cpp { "Bad call on find_sstaff", } { "FtoE.c: Inconsistent result from 'look_in_staff_list' in find_object", } { "unrecognized objkind in find_object", } Ge.cpp { "GEinit called with GE_head == NIL", } { "GEinit called with !save_old and old_GE_head != NIL", } { "Old Graphics Object list not NIL in GEinit.", } { "New Graphics Object list is empty in GEinit.", } { "bad pstaff value for GEcharacter", } { "GE.c: bad GE kind in STRING: GE_CHAR expected", } { "unrecognized drawmode in GE.c", } { "GEyrelocate.c: Unrecognized graphics-Graphics Object kind %hd", } { "Unrecognized Graphics Element kind %hd in check_GE_visible_in_rect", } Getotil.cpp { "No PDATA node for GE_matches_Tilia", } { "Annotation GE passed to GE_matches_Tilia", } { "Bad GE kind for GE_matches_Tilia", } { "Annotation error in move_GE_to_Tilia", } { "Screen-version annotation given to move_GE_to_Tilia", } { "Illegal occurrance of ADJACENT GE in GEToTilia", } { "Bad kind of GE for move_GE_to_Tilia %0lx %hd %hd", } { "Call to find_nearest_GE without any Graphics Object lists", } { "ADJACENT GE without ganno set in find_nearest_GE", } { "Bad Graphics Object kind in GE_line_clipy1", } Gselect.cpp { "Attempted to set xselected TRUE via do_note_field_assignment", } { "unrecognized gselect_field_name in do_note_field_assignment", } { "Unrecognized field-name in assign_to_vchord (gselect.c)", } { "unrecognized gselect_field_name in do_note_field_check", } { "Attempted to set xanno_selected in do_anno_field_assignment", } { "Pointer %lx is kind %hd in do_anno_field_assignment", } { "Pointer %lx is kind %hd in do_anno_field_check", } { "Expected anno in toggle_xselected, got %hd and %hd", } Header.cpp { "header.c: bad call on do_io", } { "This is not a Lime music file.", } { "Your Lime program is too old to edit this piece. This piece was made with a newer version of Lime; your old version of Lime cannot edit it.", } { "This piece has an old file format. Convert it to the new format?", } { "Your piece has %hd voices; this exceeds the maximum (%hd)!", } { "Your piece has notation context %hd selected; but there are only %hd contexts!", } { "This piece has a bad page size; it cannot be opened.", } { "This piece has custom notehead colorings that don't match your Notehead Color menu item selections. Do you want to replace your notehead color selections with those specified in this piece?", } { "Use Page Setup before you print the parts notation contexts for this piece. (The score is ok.)", } { "Use Page Setup before you print the score notation context for this piece. (The parts are ok.)", } { "Score", } { "NContext %hd", } { "header.c: %hd header bytes instead of %hd", } Hear.cpp { "Unexpected item returned from hear dialog", } { "percent of normal tempo", } Hearmenu.cpp { "Unexpected item returned from defacc dialog", } { "double flat", } { "flat", } { "natural", } { "sharp", } { "double sharp", } { "Unexpected item returned from perform_defaults dialog", } { "volume level", } { "staccato length", } { "tenuto length", } { "normal length", } { "slur length", } { "grace-note length", } { "volume change", } { "pitch change", } { "length change", } { "start-time change", } { "Unexpected item returned from tuning dialog", } { "tuning", } { "Unexpected item", } { "MIDI channel", } { "number of channels", } Helper.cpp { "tr sharp", } { "tr flat", } { "tr natural", } { "trill extended", } { "turn", } { "upward mordent", } { "downward mordent", } { "segno", } { "coda", } { "repeat beat", } { "repeat bar", } { "up bow", } { "down bow", } { "ped", } { "pedal up", } { "fermata", } { "inverted fermata", } { "single breath mark", } { "double breath mark", } { "Dotted Whole", "Dotted Semibreve" } { "Whole", "Semibreve" } { "Dotted Half", "Dotted Minim"} { "Half", "Minim" } { "Dotted Quarter", "Dotted Crotchet"} { "Quarter", "Crotchet" } { "Eighth", "Quaver" } { "With Nut", } { "Without Nut", } { "No Dot", } { "Open", } { "Dot Fret 1", } { "Dot Fret 2", } { "Dot Fret 3", } { "Dot Fret 4", } { "Dot Fret 5", } { "No Bar", } { "Bar Fret 1", } { "Bar Fret 2", } { "Bar Fret 3", } { "Bar Fret 4", } { "Bar Fret 5", } { "C", } { "C Sharp", } { "D Flat", } { "D", } { "D Sharp", } { "E Flat", } { "E", } { "F", } { "F Sharp", } { "G Flat", } { "G", } { "G Sharp", } { "A Flat", } { "A", } { "A Sharp", } { "B Flat", } { "B", } { "H", } { "\\1MA\\2", } { "\\1MI\\2", } { "\\1MI/MA\\2", } { "\\b+\\b", } { "¡", } { "dim", } { "m", } { "maj", } { "mi", } { "min", } { "{None}", } { "MA", } { "MI", } { "MI MA", } { "+", } { "sus", } { "(add9)", } { "(alt5)", } { "(alt9)", } { "(alt)", } { "Flat 5", } { "Sharp 5", } { "Flat 9", } { "Sharp 9", } { "Flat 13", } { "Sharp 5 Flat 9", } { "add 9", } { "alt 5", } { "alt 9", } { "alt", } { "Piano", } { "Chromatic Percussion", } { "Organ", } { "Guitar", } { "Bass", } { "Strings", } { "Ensemble", } { "Brass", } { "Reeds", } { "Pipes", } { "Synth Lead", } { "Synth Pad", } { "Synth Effects", } { "Ethnic", } { "Percussion", } { "Sound Effects", } { "Acoustic Grand Piano", } { "Bright Acoustic Piano", } { "Electric Grand Piano", } { "Honky-Tonk Piano", } { "Rhodes Piano", } { "Chorused Piano", } { "Harpsichord", } { "Clavinet", } { "Celesta", } { "Glockenspiel", } { "Music Box", } { "Vibraphone", } { "Marimba", } { "Xylophone", } { "Tubular Bells", } { "Dulcimer", } { "Hammond Organ", } { "Percussive Organ", } { "Rock Organ", } { "Church Organ", } { "Reed Organ", } { "Accordion", } { "Harmonica", } { "Tango Accordion", } { "Acoustic Nylon Guitar", } { "Acoustic Steel Guitar", } { "Electric Jazz Guitar", } { "Electric Clean Guitar", } { "Electric Muted Guitar", } { "Overdriven Guitar", } { "Distortion Guitar", } { "Guitar Harmonics", } { "Acoustic Bass", } { "Fingered Electric Bass", } { "Plucked Electric Bass", } { "Fretless Bass", } { "Slap Bass 1", } { "Slap Bass 2", } { "Synth Bass 1", } { "Synth Bass 2", } { "Violin", } { "Viola", } { "Cello", } { "Contrabass", } { "Tremolo Strings", } { "Pizzicato Strings", } { "Orchestral Harp", } { "Timpani 1", } { "String Ensemble 1", } { "String Ensemble 2", } { "Synth Strings 1", } { "Synth Strings 2", } { "Choir Aah", } { "Choir Ooh", } { "Synth Voice", } { "Orchestral Hit", } { "Trumpet", } { "Trombone", } { "Tuba", } { "Muted Trumpet", } { "French Horn", } { "Brass Section", } { "Synth Brass 1", } { "Synth Brass 2", } { "Soprano Sax", } { "Alto Sax", } { "Tenor Sax", } { "Baritone Sax", } { "Oboe", } { "English Horn", } { "Bassoon", } { "Clarinet", } { "Piccolo", } { "Flute", } { "Recorder", } { "Pan Flute", } { "Bottle Blow", } { "Shakuhachi", } { "Whistle", } { "Ocarina", } { "Lead 1: Square", } { "Lead 2: Square Tooth", } { "Lead 3: Calliope", } { "Lead 4: Chiff", } { "Lead 5: Charang", } { "Lead 6: Voice", } { "Lead 7: Fifths", } { "Lead 8: Bass + Lead", } { "Pad 1: New Age", } { "Pad 2: Warm", } { "Pad 3: Polysynth", } { "Pad 4: Choir", } { "Pad 5: Bowed", } { "Pad 6: Metallic", } { "Pad 7: Halo", } { "Pad 8: Sweep", } { "SFX 1: Rain", } { "SFX 2: Soundtrack", } { "SFX 3: Crystal", } { "SFX 4: Atmosphere", } { "SFX 5: Brightness", } { "SFX 6: Goblins", } { "SFX 7: Echoes", } { "SFX 8: Sci-fi", } { "Sitar", } { "Banjo", } { "Shamisen", } { "Koto", } { "Kalimba", } { "Bagpipe", } { "Fiddle", } { "Shanai", } { "Tinkle Bell", } { "Agogo", } { "Steel Drums", } { "Woodblock", } { "Taiko Drum", } { "Melodic Tom", } { "Synth Drum", } { "Reverse Cymbal", } { "Guitar Fret Noise", } { "Breath Noise", } { "Seashore", } { "Bird Tweet", } { "Telephone Ring", } { "Helicopter", } { "Applause", } { "Gun Shot", } { "You must select the first note or rest in the piece before you can do this.", } { "Could not load helper %d!", } { "Text: ", } { "Tufa Font: ", } { "program %d (%s)", } HIDTEXT.CPP { "Unexpected item returned from align dialog", } { "Bad call to hidden_text_check!", } HIY.CPP { "get_max_hiy called with xuphiy and xdownhiy uninitialized", } { "get_min_loy called with xuploy and xdownloy uninitialized", } Imagdata.cpp { "OMR cannot handle your image because it is neither BMP nor TIFF.", } { "No BMP image.", } { "BMP file write error.", } { "TIFF file write error.", } { "OMR cannot handle your BMP because its header size is not version 5.", } { "OMR cannot handle your BMP because it has more than 1 bit per pixel.", } { "OMR cannot handle your BMP because it is not RGB encoded.", } { "OMR cannot handle your BMP because its image has too many columns.", } { "OMR cannot handle your BMP because its image has too many rows.", } { "OMR cannot handle your BMP because it has more than 1 plane.", } { "Could not open BMP file.", } { "BMP file read error.", } { "BMP memory allocation failed.", } { "OMR cannot handle your TIFF because it uses a tiled encoding.", } { "OMR cannot handle your TIFF because it uses a non-contiguous encoding.", } { "OMR cannot handle your TIFF because it uses a compressed encoding.", } { "Unable to open TIFF file for reading.", } { "TIFF file error.", } { "Your TIFF has too many rows or too many columns.", } { "Your TIFF has %d bits per sample; only 1, 2, 4, or 8 are acceptable.", } { "OMR cannot handle your TIFF because of its unknown palette/greyscale encoding.", } { "TIFF memory allocation failed.", } { "OMR cannot handle your TIFF because of its unknown pixel encoding.", } Insmeas.cpp { "Measure insertion is possible only from notation context '%s'.", } { "Are you sure you want to insert measures on one staff only? If you want voices to start and stop printing, you should use the Parts and Voices... menu option instead.", } { "You do not have the first note in the measure selected. Are you sure you want to insert measures here?", } { "number of measures", } { "number of beats per measure", } { "beat value", } { "The beat value must be a power of two (2, 4, 8, 16).", } { "measures per system", } { "systems per page", } { "Unexpected item returned from dialog", } { "Number of measures", } { "end_of_page logic error in make_measures", } { "The insertion point is not at a timing boundary for all voices", } { "at_sys_time logic error in make_measures", } { "Insert measures: beat value must be a power of two", } { "Measure deletion is possible only from the '%s' notation context.", } { "You do not have the first note in the measure selected. Are you sure you want to delete measures starting here?", } { "end_of_page logic error in do_delete_measures", } { "The selected note is not at a timing boundary for all voices!", } { "Are you sure you want to delete %hd measures?", } { "There are only %hd measures until the end of the piece; do you want to delete all of them?", } { "You cannot delete all the measures in the piece!", } { "Your are about to delete some specifications from the Parts and Voices... menu option; only do this if the number of staves per system is the same at the start and end of your deletion.", } { "Your are about to delete measures with key changes; you might need to add the key change again.", } { "The end of this deletion is in the middle of a note on voice '%s'!", } { "This deletion leaves '%s' without any notes in the piece!", } Key.cpp { "You selected notes with keys that do not match. This might have unusual results; continue anyway?", } { "Do you really want to insert a key signature with no accidentals?", } { "Do you want to get rid of any reminder accidentals (redundant accidentals) you might have on your notes?", } { "Unexpected item returned from keysig dialog", } { "transposing instrument", } { "key", } { "You selected All Staves, but the keys on your staves do not match. This might have unusual results; continue anyway?", } { "Bad pointer in update_transpose_from_key, kind %d", } { "NIL pointer for remove_naturals_from_key", } List.cpp { "Unrecognized list_type in list_create", } Main.cpp { "Failure to allocate tie_struct array in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate param array in main.c", } { "Bounds and type checking enabled.", } { "UnnamedPart%hd", } { "UnnamedPart%d", } { "UnnamedPart", } { "Times New Roman", } { "\pTimes New Roman", } { "Times", } { "\pTimes", } { "Marl and Tufa fonts are", } { "Marl font is", } { "Tufa font is", } { "Lime is having trouble loading fonts. Either Lime's %s missing from the folder that contains Lime.exe, or your printer driver is not compatible with Lime's fonts. Don't make a Generic/Text Only printer your default Windows printer.", } { "Lime's %s not installed in your system!", } { "%s and Symbol fonts", } { "%s font", } { "Symbol font", } { "Lime is having trouble loading fonts. You may need to install the %s, or you may need to try a different printer driver. Don't make a Generic/Text Only printer your default Windows printer.", } { "You must install the %s!", } { "Lime will not use the Sonata font because it is not installed!", } { "Error in UpdateResFile = %hd", } { "Simulated Mac EventRecord is wrong size! Is %d, should be %d.", } { "Print Record is wrong size! %d", } { "Failure to allocate voice_data array in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate staff_data array in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate ncontext_name array in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate prefs structure in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate print_record array in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate options_struct array in main.c", } { "Failure to allocate view_array in main.c", } { "This is a free program to view Lime files. No editing is possible.", } { "To obtain a fully functional Lime program, please visit:", } { "www.cerlsoundgroup.org", } { "You may try out this software and read its manual free of charge.", } { "To purchase Lime, pay at www.cerlsoundgroup.org or mail US$65 to:", } { "Lime, 1906 Augusta, Champaign, IL 62821 USA", } { "You have %d remaining free trial %s of this software.", } { "run", } { "runs", } { "Please pay at www.cerlsoundgroup.org or mail US$65 to:", } { "splash page not drawn", } { "You have used all the free trial runs of Lime.%s%sPlease pay at:%shttp://www.cerlsoundgroup.org%s%sor mail US$65 to:%sLime, 1906 Augusta, Champaign, IL 61821 USA", } { "You have %d remaining free trial %s of Lime.%s%sPlease pay at:%shttp://www.cerlsoundgroup.org%s%sor mail US$65 to:%sLime, 1906 Augusta, Champaign, IL 61821 USA%s%sAllow two weeks for processing of your payment.", } { "Incorrect password.", } { "The password is correct! Save the password, you may need it if you move the Lime program.", } { "Attempt to access %s field of pointer %lx. xkind field is %s (%hd); should be %s%sline %d in %s", } { "undefined", } { "Attempt to access %s field with NIL pointer!%sline %d in %s", } { "Attempt to access %s field with unaligned pointer %0lx!%sline %d in %s", } { "NODE_ADDRESS_OOR", } { "UNALIGNED_NODE", } { "KIND_VALUE_OOR", } Menu.cpp { "\pAbout Lime...;(-", } { "\p&File", } { "\pFile", } { "\p&New...;", } { "\pNew...;", } { "\p&Open...;&Import;&Close;(-;", } { "\pOpen...;Import;Close;(-;", } { "\p&Save/S;Save &As...;&Export;&Revert;(-;&Layout...;", } { "\pSave/S;Save As...;Export;Revert;(-;Layout...;", } { "\pPrint Set&up...;&Print...;Print &Multiple...;", } { "\pPage Setup...;Print...;Print Multiple...;", } { "\p(-;Launch &GOODFEEL...;Launch in Manual Mo&de...", } { "\p(-;A&bout Lime...;E&xit", } { "\p(-;Quit/Q", } { "\p&Import", } { "\pImport", } { "\p&NIFF...;Music&XML...;&MIDI...;", } { "\pNIFF...;MusicXML...;MIDI...", } { "\p(-;OMR of &Image File...;OMR of &Scanner...;Select &TWAIN Source...;", } { "\p(-;OMR of Image File...;OMR of Scanner...;Select TWAIN Source...;", } { "\p&Export", } { "\pExport", } { "\pNIFF...;MusicXML...;MIDI...;", } { "\p&Edit", } { "\pEdit", } { "\p&Undo;&Redo;(-;Cut/X;Copy/C;Paste/V;Clear;", } { "\pUndo;Redo;(-;Cut/X;Copy/C;Paste/V;Clear;", } { "\pCopy &Measures...;(-;", } { "\pCopy Measures...;(-;", } { "\p&Align Annotations...;&Duplicate Annotations;Extend &Line to Here;(-;", } { "\pAlign Annotations...;Duplicate Annotations;Extend Line to Here;(-;", } { "\pAllow Any Alt-clic&k;&Enable Duration Edits;(-;", } { "\pAllow Any Option-click;Enable Duration Edits;(-;", } { "\pSimplified Music &Notation", } { "\pSimplified Music Notation", } { "\p&Shortcut Keys...;&Options...", } { "\pShortcut Keys...;Options...", } { "\p&Clear", } { "\pClear", } { "\p&Note;&Text;&Annotation;(-;At Each &System;On Each &Page;", } { "\pNote;Text;Annotation;(-;At 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System;S&ystems...;(-;", } { "\pSplit System;Add to Next System;Systems...;(-;", } { "\p&Insert Measures...;&Delete Measures...", } { "\pInsert Measures...;Delete Measures...", } { "\p(-;Show &OMR Image", } { "\p(-;Show OMR Image", } { "\p&Voice", } { "\pVoice", } { "\p&Previous Part or Voice;&Next Part or Voice;", } { "\pPrevious Part or Voice;Next Part or Voice;", } { "\p(-;&Record...;Note &Entry;", } { "\p(-;Record...;Note Entry;", } { "\p(-;Parts and &Voices...;", } { "\p(-;Parts and Voices...;", } { "\pVoice to Staff &Above;Voice to Staff &Below;Change &Link...;(-", } { "\pVoice to Staff Above;Voice to Staff Below;Change Link...;(-", } { "\pVoice to Staff &Above;Voice to Staff &Below;(-", } { "\pVoice to Staff Above;Voice to Staff Below;(-", } { "\p&Staff Drag...;", } { "\pStaff Drag...;", } { "\p&Highlight Voice;Voice on &Channel...;", } { "\pHighlight Voice;Voice on Channel...;", } { "\pVoice in &Layer", } { "\pVoice in Layer", } { "\p&Normal;Layer &2;Layer &3;Layer &4", } { "\pNormal;Layer 2;Layer 3;Layer 4", } { "\p&Note", } { "\pNote", } { "\p&Previous Note;&Next Note;", } { "\pPrevious Note;Next Note;", } { "\p(-;&Show Accidental;De&fault Accidentals...;", } { "\p(-;Show Accidental;Default Accidentals...;", } { "\pSpecial &Accidentals...;(-;&Transpose...;Notehead &Color...;", } { "\pSpecial Accidentals...;(-;Transpose...;Notehead Color...;", } { "\pTa&blature String;Tablat&ure Thumb;(-;", } { "\pTablature String;Tablature Thumb;(-;", } { "\p&Hide Tuplet;Hide &Rest;Don't C&ombine Rest;", } { "\pHide Tuplet;Hide Rest;Don't Combine Rest;", } { "\p(-;Chord &Drag...;&Internal Fields...;", } { "\p(-;Chord Drag...;Internal Fields...;", } { "\pTa&blature String", } { "\pTablature String", } { "\p&Higher;&Lower;De&fault", } { "\pHigher;Lower;Default", } { "\p&Stem", } { "\pStem", } { "\pStem &Up;Stem &Down;&No Stem;&Slashed Stem;Stem &Between Staves;(-;", } { "\pStem Up;Stem Down;No Stem;Slashed Stem;Stem Between Staves;(-;", } { "\p&Continue Beam;&End Beam;C&ontinue Subbeam;", } { "\pContinue Beam;End Beam;Continue Subbeam;", } { "\pEnd Subbea&m;De&fault Beaming;Beaming &Rule...;(-;&Tremolo Beam;", } { "\pEnd Subbeam;Default Beaming;Beaming Rule...;(-;Tremolo Beam;", } { "\pS&wing Eighth Beam;(-;", "\pS&wing Quaver Beam;(-;"} { "\pSwing Eighth Beam;(-;", "\pSwing Quaver Beam;(-;"} { "\pModif&y Slur;&Additional Slur;Modify T&ie;", } { "\pModify Slur;Additional Slur;Modify Tie;", } { "\pModif&y Slur", } { "\pModify Slur", } { "\pOn &Top;On &Bottom;Near &Notehead;(-;", } { "\pOn Top;On Bottom;Near Notehead;(-;", } { "\pHangs &Right;Hangs &Left;&Only Left;(-;", } { "\pHangs Right;Hangs Left;Only Left;(-;", } { "\p&Split;&Dashed;&With Pitch Bend;(-;&Grace Slur", } { "\pSplit;Dashed;With Pitch Bend;(-;Grace Slur", } { "\p&Additional Slur", } { "\pAdditional Slur", } { "\p&Split;&Dashed;&With Pitch Bend", } { "\pSplit;Dashed;With Pitch Bend", } { "\pModify T&ie", } { "\pModify Tie", } { "\pCurves &Up;Curves &Down;(-;", } { "\pCurves Up;Curves Down;(-;", } { "\p&Dashed;&With Pitch Bend", } { "\pDashed;With Pitch Bend", } { "\p&Hear", } { "\pHear", } { "\p&Hear...;(-;", } { "\pHear...;(-;", } { "\p&Tuning...;&Dynamic Levels...;De&fault Playback...;", } { "\pTuning...;Dynamic Levels...;Default Playback...;", } { "\p&Modify Playback;&Recompute Playback...;(-", } { "\pModify Playback;Recompute Playback...;(-", } { "\p&Play Octave Higher;Play Octave &Lower;", } { "\pPlay Octave Higher;Play Octave Lower;", } { "\p&Keyboard Shift;(-", } { "\pKeyboard Shift;(-", } { "\pMIDI &Input;MIDI &Output;", } { "\pMIDI Input;MIDI Output;", } { "\pOMS MIDI Input...;OMS MIDI Output...;", } { "\p&Modify Playback ", } { "\pModify Playback", } { "\pSofter/1;Louder/2;Level.../3;(-", } { "\pLower/4;Higher/5;Pitch.../6;(-;", } { "\pShorter/7;Longer/8;", } { "\pEarlier/9;Later/0;", } { "\p&Keyboard Shift", } { "\pKeyboard Shift", } { "\p3 Octaves Up;2 Octaves Up;1 Octave &Up;&Normal;1 Octave &Down;2 Octaves Down;3 Octaves Down", } { "\p3 Octaves Up;2 Octaves Up;1 Octave Up;Normal;1 Octave Down;2 Octaves Down;3 Octaves Down", } { "MIDI &Input", } { "\pInput", } { "\pMIDI Input", } { "MIDI &Output", } { "\pOutput", } { "\pMIDI MAPPER", } { "\pMIDI Output", } { "\pSy&mbol", } { "\pSymbol", } { "\p&Clef...;&Key Signature...;&Time Signature...;(-;", } { "\pClef...;Key Signature...;Time Signature...;(-;", } { "\p&Bar Line...;&Align Bars...;&System Bracket...;(-;", } { "\pBar Line...;Align Bars...;System Bracket...;(-;", } { "\p&Parameters...;&Hidden Text...", } { "\pParameters...;Hidden Text...", } { "\p&Annotation", } { "\p&Previous Annotation;&Next Annotation;(-;", } { "\pPrevious Annotation;Next Annotation;(-;", } { "\p&Text Category;&Font;Si&ze;&Style;Te&xt Assistant;(-;", } { "\pText Category;Font;Size;Style;Text Assistant;(-;", } { "\p&Line;C&urve;Line and Curve Styl&e;(-;", } { "\pLine;Curve;Line and Curve Style;(-;", } { "\p&Horizontal Lock;&Vertical Lock;(-;", } { "\pHorizontal Lock;Vertical Lock;(-;", } { "\p&All Notation Contexts;&Only In Score;Not &In Score;This Notation &Context Only;", } { "\pAll Notation Contexts;Only In Score;Not In Score;This Notation Context Only;", } { "\p&Text Category", } { "\pText Category", } { "\p&Title;&Composer;Copyrig&ht;&Label;(-;", } { "\pTitle;Composer;Copyright;Label;(-;", } { "\pL&yric;&Dynamic;Tempo Mar&king;Te&mpo Alteration;M&ood;(-;", } { "\pLyric;Dynamic;Tempo Marking;Tempo Alteration;Mood;(-;", } { "\pOrn&ament;Articulatio&n;Pa&use;&Breath;&Pedal;(-;", } { "\pOrnament;Articulation;Pause;Breath;Pedal;(-;", } { "\pBo&wing;&Fingering;Fret &Grid;Chord &Symbol;M&IDI;(-;", } { "\pBowing;Fingering;Fret Grid;Chord Symbol;MIDI;(-;", } { "\p&Rehearsal;&Ending, Segno;(-;", } { "\pRehearsal;Ending, Segno;(-;", } { "\pOther Te&xt;(-;", } { "\pOther Text;(-;", } { "\p&Model for Category...", } { "\pModel for Category...", } { "\p&Font", } { "\pFont", } { "\p(-;&Fonts...;", } { "\pSi&ze", } { "\pSize", } { "%hd point;", } { "\p&Point Size...;", } { "\pPoint Size...;", } { "\p&Style", } { "\pStyle", } { "\p&Plain;&Bold= %hd in find_parameter_heading()!", } { "Parameter list number %hd >= %hd in find_parameter_edit()!", } Paramin2.cpp { "NOTE FLAGS", } { "stem-up eighth note flag", "stem-up quaver flag" } { "stem-up 16th note flag", "stem-up semiquaver flag" } { "stem-up 32nd note flag", "stem-up demmi semiquaver flag" } { "stem-up 64th note flag", "stem-up hemmi demmi semiquaver flag" } { "stem-up 128th note flag", "stem-up semi hemmi demmi semiquaver flag" } { "stem-down eighth note flag", "stem-down quaver flag" } { "stem-down 16th note flag", "stem-down semiquaver flag" } { "stem-down 32nd note flag", "stem-down demmi semiquaver flag" } { "stem-down 64th note flag", "stem-down hemmi demmi semiquaver flag" } { "stem-down 128th note flag", "stem-down semi hemmi demmi semiquaver flag" } { "space given for width of flag", } { "y offset from end of stem for stem-up flags", } { "grace note slash line width", } { "grace note slash x offset from end of stem", } { "grace note slash y offset from end of stem", } { "grace note slash ending x from end of stem", } { "grace note slash ending y from end of stem", } { "grace beam slash x offset from end of stem", } { "grace beam slash y offset from end of stem", } { "grace beam slash ending x from end of stem", } { "grace beam slash ending y from end of stem", } { "NOTE STEMS", } { "normal length of note-stems", } { "normal length of note-stems in beams", } { "minimum length of note-stems in beams", } { "stem line width", } { "x offset added to normal up-stem position", } { "x offset added to normal down-stem position", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, normal note heads", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, percussion notes", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, open harmonics", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, closed harmonics", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, open lozenges", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, closed lozenges", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, blank note head", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, piano roll notes", } { "y offset for bottom of up-stem, square notes", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, unused nhead", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, simplified flat breve head", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, simplified sharp breve head", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, simplified flat open head", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, simplified sharp open head", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, simplified flat closed head", } { "y offset for bot of up-stem, simplified sharp closed head", } { "y offset for up-stem shared simplified sharp head", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, normal note heads", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, percussion notes", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, open harmonics", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, closed harmonics", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, open lozengess", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, closed lozenges", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, blank note head", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, piano roll notes", } { "y offset for top of down-stem, square notes", } { "y offset for top of dn-stem, simplified flat breve head", } { "y offset for top of dn-stem, simplified sharp breve head", } { "y offset for top of dn-stem, simplified flat open head", } { "y offset for top of dn-stem, simplified sharp open head", } { "y offset for top of dn-stem, simplified flat closed head", } { "y offset for top of dn-stem, simplified sharp closed head", } { "NOTES WITH STEMS FOR TEMPO MARKINGS", } { "PianoWindow breve symbol", } { "whole note for tempo markings (\\w)", } { "half note for tempo markings (\\h)", } { "quarter note for tempo markings (\\q)", } { "eighth note for tempo markings (\\e)", "quaver note for tempo markings (\\e)" } { "16th note for tempo markings (\\s)", "semiquaver note for tempo markings (\\s)" } { "32nd note for tempo markings (\\t)", "demmi semiquaver note for tempo markings (\\t)" } { "PianoWindow 64th symbol", "PianoWindow hemmi demmi semiquaver symbol" } { "PianoWindow 128th symbol", "PianoWindow semi hemmi demmi semiquaver symbol" } { "PAGE NUMBERS, BAR NUMBERS, TUPLETS", } { "font information for page numbers", } { "page number y offset from bottom of page", } { "font information for bar numbers", } { "bar number x offset from start of 1st staff in system", } { "bar number y offset from top of 1st staff in system", } { "font information for tuplet (triplets, etc) numbers", } { "space given for height of tuplet number", } { "space given for width of tuplet number", } { "space left between the note and the tuplet number", } { "x offset for tuplet number at end of up-stem", } { "x offset for tuplet number at end of down-stem", } { "x offset for tuplet by notehead", } { "line width for lines in tuplet brackets", } { "length of small vertical lines at ends of tuplet brackets", } { "distance between either side of tuplet number and bracket", } { "swing eighth duration proportion for first eighth in pair", "swing quaver duration proportion for first quaver in pair" } { "PEDAL MARKING, BREATH MARKS, AND BOWING", } { "pedal marking (\\ped)", } { "pedal up marking (\\*)", } { "breath mark (single) (\\')", } { "breath mark (double) (\\\42)", } { "up bow (\\upbow)", } { "down bow (\\downbow)", } { "RESTS", } { "double-whole rest", "breve rest" } { "whole rest", "semibreve rest" } { "half rest", "minim rest" } { "quarter rest", "crotchet rest" } { "eighth rest", "quaver rest" } { "16th rest", "semiquaver rest" } { "32nd rest", "demmi semiquaver rest" } { "64th rest", "hemmi demmi semiquaver rest" } { "128th rest", "semi hemmi demm isemiquaver rest" } { "multi-rest", } { "0 for multi-rest numbers", } { "1 for multi-rest numbers", } { "2 for multi-rest numbers", } { "3 for multi-rest numbers", } { "4 for multi-rest numbers", } { "5 for multi-rest numbers", } { "6 for multi-rest numbers", } { "7 for multi-rest numbers", } { "8 for multi-rest numbers", } { "9 for multi-rest numbers", } { "width of double-whole rest", "width of breve rest" } { "width of whole rest", "width of semibreve rest" } { "width of half rest", "width of minim rest" } { "width of quarter rest", "width of crotchet rest" } { "width of eighth rest", "width of quaver rest" } { "width of 16th rest", "width of semiquaver rest" } { "width of 32nd rest", "width of demmi semiquaver rest" } { "width of 64th rest", "width of hemmi demmi semiquaver rest" } { "width of 128th rest", "width of semi hemmi demmi semiquaver rest" } { "space given for width of multi-rest symbol", } { "space given for width of multi-rest number", } { "x offset: multi-rest to number of bars", } { "y offset: top staff line to number of bars", } { "staff spaces to offset rests for multiple voices", } { "minimum space left between chorded rests and notes", } { "amount double-whole rest ascends above its y location", "amount breve rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount double-whole rest descends below its y location", "amount breve rest descends below its y location" } { "amount whole rest ascends above its y location", "amount semibreve rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount whole rest descends below its y location", "amount semibreve rest descends below its y location" } { "amount half rest ascends above its y location", "amount minim ascends above its y location" } { "amount half rest descends below its y location", "amount minim descends below its y location" } { "amount quarter rest ascends above its y location", "amount crotchet rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount quarter rest descends below its y location", "amount crotchet rest descends below its y location" } { "amount eighth rest ascends above its y location", "amount quaver rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount eighth rest descends below its y location", "amount quaver rest descends below its y location" } { "amount 16th rest ascends above its y location", "amount semiquaver rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount 16th rest descends below its y location", "amount semiquaver rest descends below its y location" } { "amount 32nd rest ascends above its y location", "amount demmi semiquaver rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount 32nd rest descends below its y location", "amount demmi semiquaver rest descends below its y location" } { "amount 64th rest ascends above its y location", "amount hemmi demmi semiquaver rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount 64th rest descends below its y location", "amount hemmi demmi semiquaver rest descends below its y location" } { "amount 128th rest ascends above its y location", "amount demmi hemmi demmi semiquaver rest ascends above its y location" } { "amount 128th rest descends below its y location", "amount semi hemmi demmi semiquaver rest descends below its y location" } { "amount multi-rest ascends above its y location", } { "amount multi-rest descends below its y location", } { "SINGLE PITCH TREMOLO MARKS", } { "single-slash tremolo mark", } { "double-slash tremolo mark", } { "triple-slash tremolo mark", } { "extend stem length for tremolo on flagged notes", } { "extend stem length for tremolo on unflagged notes", } { "extend stem length for tremolo on beamed notes", } { "x offset for centering tremolo mark around stem", } { "y offset from stem end for tremolo on flagged notes", } { "y offset from stem end for tremolo on unflagged notes", } { "y offset from beam for tremolo on beamed notes", } { "y offset from note for tremolo on notes without stems", } { "height given for tremolo", } { "SPECIAL ACCIDENTALS (1-20)", } { "special accidental 1", } { "cents offset for special accidental 1", } { "special accidental 2", } { "cents offset for special accidental 2", } { "special accidental 3", } { "cents offset for special accidental 3", } { "special accidental 4", } { "cents offset for special accidental 4", } { "special accidental 5", } { "cents offset for special accidental 5", } { "special accidental 6", } { "cents offset for special accidental 6", } { "special accidental 7", } { "cents offset for special accidental 7", } { "special accidental 8", } { "cents offset for special accidental 8", } { "special accidental 9", } { "cents offset for special accidental 9", } { "special accidental 10", } { "cents offset for special accidental 10", } { "special accidental 11", } { "cents offset for special accidental 11", } { "special accidental 12", } { "cents offset for special accidental 12", } { "special accidental 13", } { "cents offset for special accidental 13", } { "special accidental 14", } { "cents offset for special accidental 14", } { "special accidental 15", } { "cents offset for special accidental 15", } { "special accidental 16", } { "cents offset for special accidental 16", } { "special accidental 17", } { "cents offset for special accidental 17", } { "special accidental 18", } { "cents offset for special accidental 18", } { "special accidental 19", } { "cents offset for special accidental 19", } { "special accidental 20", } { "cents offset for special accidental 20", } { "SPECIAL ACCIDENTALS (21-40)", } { "special accidental 21", } { "cents offset for special accidental 21", } { "special accidental 22", } { "cents offset for special accidental 22", } { "special accidental 23", } { "cents offset for special accidental 23", } { "special accidental 24", } { "cents offset for special accidental 24", } { "special accidental 25", } { "cents offset for special accidental 25", } { "special accidental 26", } { "cents offset for special accidental 26", } { "special accidental 27", } { "cents offset for special accidental 27", } { "special accidental 28", } { "cents offset for special accidental 28", } { "special accidental 29", } { "cents offset for special accidental 29", } { "special accidental 30", } { "cents offset for special accidental 30", } { "special accidental 31", } { "cents offset for special accidental 31", } { "special accidental 32", } { "cents offset for special accidental 32", } { "special accidental 33", } { "cents offset for special accidental 33", } { "special accidental 34", } { "cents offset for special accidental 34", } { "special accidental 35", } { "cents offset for special accidental 35", } { "special accidental 36", } { "cents offset for special accidental 36", } { "special accidental 37", } { "cents offset for special accidental 37", } { "special accidental 38", } { "cents offset for special accidental 38", } { "special accidental 39", } { "cents offset for special accidental 39", } { "special accidental 40", } { "cents offset for special accidental 40", } { "SPECIAL ACCIDENTALS (41-60)", } { "special accidental 41", } { "cents offset for special accidental 41", } { "special accidental 42", } { "cents offset for special accidental 42", } { "special accidental 43", } { "cents offset for special accidental 43", } { "special accidental 44", } { "cents offset for special accidental 44", } { "special accidental 45", } { "cents offset for special accidental 45", } { "special accidental 46", } { "cents offset for special accidental 46", } { "special accidental 47", } { "cents offset for special accidental 47", } { "special accidental 48", } { "cents offset for special accidental 48", } { "special accidental 49", } { "cents offset for special accidental 49", } { "special accidental 50", } { "cents offset for special accidental 50", } { "special accidental 51", } { "cents offset for special accidental 51", } { "special accidental 52", } { "cents offset for special accidental 52", } { "special accidental 53", } { "cents offset for special accidental 53", } { "special accidental 54", } { "cents offset for special accidental 54", } { "special accidental 55", } { "cents offset for special accidental 55", } { "special accidental 56", } { "cents offset for special accidental 56", } { "special accidental 57", } { "cents offset for special accidental 57", } { "special accidental 58", } { "cents offset for special accidental 58", } { "special accidental 59", } { "cents offset for special accidental 59", } { "special accidental 60", } { "cents offset for special accidental 60", } { "STACCATO, TENUTO, ACCENTS, TRILLS", } { "staccato mark", } { "staccatissimo mark below note", } { "staccatissimo mark above note", } { "tenuto mark", } { "space given for height of staccato/tenuto", } { "space left between staccato/tenuto and note/staffline", } { "fermata above note (\\fermata)", } { "fermata below note (\\fermata2)", } { "space given for height of fermata", } { "space left between fermata and note", } { "accent horizontal", } { "accent above", } { "accent below", } { "space given for height of accent", } { "space left between accent and note", } { "+ (\\+)", } { "turn (\\turn)", } { "tr (\\tr)", } { "trill extension segment (\\~)", } { "upward mordent (\\mordent)", } { "downward mordent (\\mordent2)", } { "STAFF LINES, MARGINS, NOTE SPACING", } { "width of first (top) staff line; or b-flat in piano tab", } { "width of second staff line; or a-flat in piano tab", } { "width of third staff line; or f-sharp in piano tab", } { "width of fourth staff line; or e-flat in piano tab", } { "width of fifth staff line; or c-sharp in piano tab", } { "width of sixth staff line (not used in standard notation)", } { "width of seventh staff line", } { "width of eighth staff line", } { "width of ninth staff line", } { "width of tenth staff line", } { "width of eleventh staff line", } { "width of twelfth staff line", } { "margin width on left of page (add value in Layout)", } { "margin width on right of page (add Layout value)", } { "margin width at top of page (add Layout value)", } { "margin width at bottom of page (add Layout value)", } { "system separator symbol (left side of page)", } { "system separator symbol (right side of page)", } { "default vertical distance between systems", } { "distance between systems with separator symbols", } { "default distance between this voice's staff and next", } { "additional space between key/time and first note on staff", } { "minimum space between grace note and next chord", } { "minimum space between normal note and next chord", } { "min space between grace note and next note's accidental", } { "min space between normal note and note's accidental", } { "min space between chords in staff switch to right hand", } { "min space between chords in staff switch to left hand", } { "x offset for half step overlap in stem-up & stem-down", } { "x offset for complete overlap in stem-up & stem-down", } { "x offset for chords with multiple stems up/down", } { "x offset for shared simplified notation flat head", } { "x offset for shared simplified notation sharp head", } { "effect of duration on note spacing (overrides Layout)", } { "space given to a eighth note before justification", "space given to a quaver note before justification" } { "polytempo note duration multiplier (normally 1.0)", } { "TABLATURE PITCHES AND SYMBOLS", } { "MIDI pitch for string 1 in guitar tablature", } { "MIDI pitch for string 2 in guitar tablature", } { "MIDI pitch for string 3 in guitar tablature", } { "MIDI pitch for string 4 in guitar tablature", } { "MIDI pitch for string 5 in guitar tablature", } { "MIDI pitch for string 6 in guitar tablature", } { "MIDI pitch for string 7 in guitar tablature", } { "font information for guitar tablature numbers", } { "font for thumb's guitar tablature numbers", } { "x adjust for single digit stem-up guitar tablature numbers", } { "x adjust for two digit stem-up guitar tablature numbers", } { "x adjust for single digit stemless guitar tablature numbers", } { "x adjust for two digit stemless guitar tablature numbers", } { "length of staff to erase around tablature (0 for no erase)", } { "parenthesis to left of guitar tablature note", } { "parenthesis to right of guitar tablature note", } { "length of white keys at start of piano tab (0 for none)", } { "length of black keys at start of piano tab", } { "line width of black keys at start of piano tab", } { "line width outlining white keys at start of piano tab", } { "MIDI pitch shift for piano tablature (+12=octave up)", } { "font/size/offset for superscript for fret number on fret grid (\\g)", } { "TIES, SLURS, BENDS, AND GLISSANDI", } { "shortest tie or slur symbol", } { "ties and slurs off the system extend this far past staff", } { "ties and slurs onto the system extend this far to left", } { "maximum slope for slurs", } { "space left between tie end and staff line (y direction)", } { "space left between tie end and note head (x direction)", } { "space left between slur end and notehead (y direction)", } { "x offset (from note) to slur end above end of up-stem", } { "x offset (from note) to slur end above notehead", } { "x offset (from note) to slur end below end of down-stem", } { "x offset (from note) to slur end below notehead", } { "amount to shorten slur when it ends beside a stem", } { "amount to shorten each end of a raised slur", } { "extra space between slur end and accent/fermata symbols", } { "minimum slur length for applying next parameter below", } { "start long, raised slurs closer to first note (0=no, 1=yes)", } { "first slur length (for next two parameters below)", } { "slur control point x offset at first slur length", } { "slur control point y offset at first slur length", } { "second slur length (for next two parameters below)", } { "slur control point x offset at second slur length", } { "slur control point y offset at second slur length", } { "length of slur with 'hang right' selected", } { "length of slur with 'hang left' selected", } { "length of tie with 'hang right' selected", } { "length of tie with 'hang left' selected", } { "dash length in dashed ties and slurs", } { "length of gap between dashes in dashed slurs", } { "1 if dashed ties and slurs have Thicker Center, else 0", } { "tie and slur thickness control (one value for whole page)", } { "width for thin curves (one for page)", } { "width for lines in tie-with-pitch-bend marks", } { "height of tie-with-pitch-bend marks", } { "symbol for bend to higher pitch on tablature staff", } { "symbol for bend to lower pitch on tablature staff", } { "font and x y offset for bend range on tablature staff", } { "width of glissando line", } { "distance from note to clip glissando line", } { "distance from accidental or dot to clip glissando line", } { "minimum horizontal length of a glissando line", } { "vertical offset for for glissando line ends in tablature", } { "TIME SIGNATURES", } { "cut time", } { "common time", } { "0 for time signatures", } { "1 for time signatures", } { "2 for time signatures", } { "3 for time signatures", } { "4 for time signatures", } { "5 for time signatures", } { "6 for time signatures", } { "7 for time signatures", } { "8 for time signatures", } { "9 for time signatures", } { "space left between time signature and next object", } { "space given for time signature width", } { "additional space left before time signature", } { "x offset for time signature", } { "y offset from staff line to time signature", } { "Unitialized parameter in param_init == %hd; after '%s'", } Paramini.cpp { "String too long for '%s' parameter!", } { "ACCIDENTALS, KEYS, CHORD SYMBOLS", } { "simplified music notation double-flat history mark", } { "simplified music notation flat history mark", } { "simplified music notation sharp history mark", } { "simplified music notation double-sharp history mark", } { "double flat for chord symbols (\\--)", } { "flat for chord symbols (\\-)", } { "natural for chord symbols (\\n)", } { "sharp for chord symbols (\\+)", } { "double sharp for chord symbols (\\++)", } { "flat for chord symbol alterations (\\alt-)", } { "natural for alterations (\\altn)", } { "sharp for chord symbol alterations (\\alt+)", } { "font/size/offset for superscript chord symbol extensions (\\u)", } { "width of underline for chord symbols", } { "distance from chord symbol text to underline", } { "accidental for Piano Window only", } { "double flat width", } { "flat width", } { "natural width", } { "sharp width", } { "double sharp width", } { "simplified music notation double flat history width", } { "simplified music notation flat history width", } { "simplified music notation sharp history width", } { "simplified music notation double sharp history width", } { "space left between accidental and note", } { "space for second acc in chord at same notename", } { "sharps this many vertical staff spaces apart do not overlap", } { "flats this many vertical staff spaces apart do not overlap", } { "flats/naturals this many staff spaces apart partially overlap", } { "multiplier for extra space between notes for accidentals", } { "x space left between accidentals in keys and chords", } { "space left between key signature and next object", } { "simplified x space between accidentals", } { "simplified space between key signature and next object", } { "additional space left before key signature", } { "BAR LINES, REPEATS", } { "space left between bar line and next object", } { "additional space left before bar line", } { "line width for bar lines", } { "line width for thicker line in double bar", } { "separation between lines in double bars", } { "repeat dots", } { "distance between bar line and repeat dots", } { "space given for width of repeat dots", } { "length of wing lines on repeats", } { "line width of wing lines on repeats", } { "dash length for dashed bar lines", } { "gap length for dashed bar lines", } { "length of rule (chant bar line)", } { "y offset for rule (chant bar line)", } { "minimum width of a bar containing only rests", } { "segno (\\segno)", } { "coda symbol (\\coda)", } { "repeat beat (\\//)", } { "repeat bar (\\/)", } { "BEAMING", } { "stem connection beam line width", } { "offset between succesive beams", } { "minimum distance from noteheads under beams to beams", } { "minimum distance from rests under beams to beams", } { "multiplier to compute beam slope from note locations", } { "maximum slope for beam", } { "minimum slope for beam: use flat beam for lesser slope", } { "min change in y between beam ends: flat beam for lesser", } { "y offset to add to final beam location", } { "offset to add to final beam slope", } { "length of partial beams between note stems", } { "extend beam lines this far past the note stem (before clip)", } { "clip the main beam line this far from stem", } { "clip the sub beam lines this far from stem", } { "clip tremolo-between-pitches this far from quarter stem", } { "clip tremolo-between-pitches this far from half stem", } { "clip tremolo-between-pitches this far from whole note", } { "beams off end of system extend this far right of final stem", } { "beams onto start of system extend this far left of first stem", } { "change in y between ends of beams over switch to rh/lh", } { "minimum number of notes in a sub-beaming", } { "BRACKETS AND BRACES", } { "draw barline at left of single-staff system (1=yes)", } { "draw barline at left of multi-staff system (1=yes)", } { "width of vertical bracket line at start of system", } { "x offset from start of staff to vertical bracket line", } { "width of diagonal bracket lines at start of system", } { "length of diagonal bracket lines", } { "top part of a system brace", } { "middle part of a system brace", } { "bottom part of a system brace", } { "extension part making up a system brace", } { "height of one extension part of a system brace", } { "x offset for system braces from left end of staff", } { "Sonata system brace: top part", } { "Sonata system brace: bottom part", } { "Sonata system brace: placement from staff spacing", } { "Sonata system brace: font size from staff spacing", } { "Sonata system brace: width from font size", } { "Sonata system brace: height from font size", } { "CLEFS AND 8VA", } { "treble clef at start of staff", } { "treble clef change in middle of staff", } { "bass clef at start of staff", } { "bass clef change in middle of staff", } { "alto clef at start of staff", } { "alto clef change in middle of staff", } { "soprano clef at start of staff", } { "soprano clef change in middle of staff", } { "mezzo-soprano clef at start of staff", } { "mezzo-soprano clef change in middle of staff", } { "tenor clef at start of staff", } { "tenor clef change in middle of staff", } { "baritone c-clef at start of staff", } { "baritone c-clef change in middle of staff", } { "baritone clef at start of staff", } { "baritone clef change in middle of staff", } { "octave-down treble clef at start of staff", } { "octave-down treble clef change in middle of staff", } { "single bar percussion clef at start of staff", } { "single bar percussion clef change", } { "dual bar percussion clef at start of staff", } { "dual bar percussion clef change", } { "cymbal clef at start of staff", } { "cymbal clef change in middle of staff", } { "whole-step offset for treble clef", } { "whole-step offset for soprano clef", } { "whole-step offset for mezzo-soprano clef", } { "whole-step offset for alto clef", } { "whole-step offset for octave-down treble clef", } { "whole-step offset for tenor clef", } { "whole-step offset for baritone c-clef", } { "whole-step offset for baritone clef", } { "whole-step offset for bass clef", } { "whole-step offset for single bar percussion clef", } { "whole-step offset for dual bar percusson clef", } { "whole-step offset for cymbal clef", } { "space left between clef and next object", } { "width of clef symbol", } { "width of clef change symbol", } { "space given for clef width", } { "additional space left before clef", } { "8va (\\8va)", } { "8vb (\\8vb)", } { "DEFAULTS FOR EDITING", } { "x offset for typing text if Horizontal Lock unchecked", } { "x offset from left margin if Horizontal Lock checked", } { "centering x offset if Centered checked", } { "y offset from note if Horiz and Vert Lock unchecked", } { "y offset from staff if Vert Lock checked but not Horiz", } { "y offset from staff if Horizontal Lock checked", } { "font info for hidden text made by Parameters dialog", } { "x offset for hidden text made by Parameters dialog", } { "y offset for hidden text made by Parameters dialog", } { "boxed text: x distance from text to vertical box lines", } { "boxed text: y distance from text to horizontal box lines", } { "boxed text: line width for box lines", } { "Record/Import MIDI: max arpeggiation (% shortest duration)", } { "DOTS FOR NOTE VALUES", } { "dot for dotted notes", } { "double dot", } { "third dot for triple dotted notes", } { "dot for tempo markings (\\qd)", } { "double dot for tempo markings (\\qdd)", } { "dot kerned left for tempo markings (\\ed)", } { "double dot kerned left for tempos (\\edd)", } { "space given for width of dot", } { "space given for width of double dot", } { "space given for width of triple dot", } { "space left between note and its dot", } { "dots ok below line for notes on a line (1=yes)", } { "dot discrepancy ok for shared note heads (1=yes)", } { "DYNAMIC MARKINGS, HAIRPINS, LINES", } { "pppp dynamic (\\pppp)", } { "ppp dynamic (\\ppp)", } { "pp dynamic (\\pp)", } { "p dynamic (\\p)", } { "mp dynamic (\\mp)", } { "mf dynamic (\\mf)", } { "f dynamic (\\f)", } { "ff dynamic (\\ff)", } { "fff dynamic (\\fff)", } { "ffff dynamic (\\ffff)", } { "x offset for clipping hairpins/lines at right end of staff", } { "x offset for clipping hairpins/lines at left end of staff", } { "amount to extend clipped hairpins/lines beyond staff", } { "FINGERINGS", } { "default font info for fingerings", } { "default x offset from note for fingering numbers", } { "default y offset from staff for closest fingering number", } { "adjustment to vertical spacing between fingering numbers", } { "LEDGER LINES", } { "ledger line length to left of note", } { "ledger line length to right of notehead", } { "simplified notation ledger line to left of note", } { "simplified notation ledger line to right of notehead", } { "ledger line width", } { "LYRICS AND TEXT ANNOTATIONS", } { "centered hyphens: maximum distance for each hyphen", } { "line width of extended underline", } { "x offset from end of text to start of underline", } { "right end of underline extends this far under ending note", } { "x offset from end of underline to punctuation", } { "OUTDATED x offset from start of system for underline onto system", } { "length of underline onto system", } { "y offset from text to underline", } { "NOTE HEADS", } { "breve (double-whole) note head", } { "whole note head", } { "half note head", } { "quarter note head", } { "percussion whole note head", } { "percussion half note head", } { "percussion quarter note head", } { "percussion quarter note head for guitar tab staff", } { "open harmonic note head", } { "closed harmonic note head", } { "open lozenge note head", } { "closed lozenge note head", } { "square breve (double-whole) note head", } { "square whole note head", } { "square half note head", } { "square quarter note head", } { "blank note head", } { "simplified flat breve note head", } { "simplified sharp breve note head", } { "simplified flat open note head (stem left)", } { "simplified flat open note head (stem right)", } { "simplified sharp open note head (stem left)", } { "simplified sharp open note head (stem right)", } { "simplified flat closed note head (stem left)", } { "simplified flat for key signature", } { "simplified flat closed note head (stem right)", } { "simplified sharp closed note head (stem left)", } { "simplified sharp for key signature", } { "simplified sharp closed note head (stem right)", } { "parenthesis to left of standard notation note head", } { "parenthesis to right of standard notation note head", } { "width of note head parentheses characters", } { "suppress double noteheads from one voice (1=yes)", } { "suppress double noteheads from multiple voices (1=yes)", } { "piano roll indicator", } { "breve (double-whole) note head width", } { "whole note head width", } { "whole note head width at widest point", } { "half and quarter note head width", } { "piano roll width", } { "note head height", } Parform.cpp { "No piece for set_TiliaDirty_and_PARTIALLY_FORMATTED()", } Parts.cpp { "NIL insertion_point for part_names_in_staff_order()", } { "End Voice:", } { "Start Additional Voice:", } { "Voice '%s' should be available in context '%s', but due to an error it is not!", } { "Single Staff", } { "Two Staves", } { "Create New Part:", } { "Please type a name for the new part.", } { "Illegal part name.", } { "Another part already has that name; pick a new name.", } { "Rename Part:", } { "Please type the new name for the part.", } { "Another part already has that name; please pick a new name.", } { "There is only one part in the piece; you cannot delete it.", } { "You must be in the '%s' notation context to delete parts.", } { "Delete Part:", } { "You must remove this part from all other notation contexts before you can delete it.", } { "This part cannot be deleted, because it is the only thing printing at bar %d!", } { "Are you sure you want to delete '%s'? All the notes on the part will be lost.", } Perform.cpp { "bad call on change_grace_time", } { "bad call on set_default_ttn", } { "calling set_default_performance with non-notes", } { "bad endptr in set_default_performance", } { "bad call on set_default_performance", } { "logic error in set_default_performance: xendvcd FALSE", } { "This note cannot be %hd%% of a sixteenth later because that would make it start after the next note!", } { "The first note in the piece cannot be changed to start earlier or later.", } { "This note can't be %hd%% of a sixteenth earlier because that would make it start before the previous note!", } { "Unexpected item returned from recompute dialog", } PianoEq.cpp { "Please type one letter, number, or punctuation.", } { "Unexpected item returned from pianoeq_dialog", } Pianowin.cpp { "Tie", } { "Slur", } { "Cue", } { "Gliss", } { "Add", } { "Grace", } { "piano_event incorrectly received an activateEvt!", } { "tie", } { "no tie", } { "staccato", } { "no staccato", } { "staccatissimo", } { "tenuto", } { "no tenuto", } { "gliss", } { "no gliss", } { "slur", } { "no slur", } { "right parenthesis", } { "left parenthesis", } { "both parentheses", } { "no parentheses", } { "normal notehead", } { "no tremolo", } { "add active", } { "add inactive", } { "kill", } { "cue", } { "not cue", } { "grace", } { "not grace", } { "no accent", } { "no fermata", } { "no tuplet", } { "tuplet", } { "no accidental", } { "Unexpected item returned from tuplet dialog", } { "nested tuplet", } { "nested in time of", } { "Unexpected item returned from grace dialog", } { "Logic error in boxnum_to_rect (pianowin.c)", } { "\pMemory", } { "Kill", } { "To enter notes: double-click in", } { "your piece, then play the keyboard.", } { "\pYou are using the Lime Viewer. You cannot make any changes to the music.", } { "\pChanging notes was disabled in Options.", } Piece.cpp { "Logic error in openpiece()", } { "Bad voices value when calling openpiece()", } { "Warning: TiliaDirty==TRUE on calling openpiece", } { "Unable to get Finder info. GetFInfo = %hd", } { "logic error in calling read_header (piece.c)", } { "Save this piece?", } { "Save changes to file '%s'?", } { "Unexpected error in writing the Lime piece.", } Placecd.cpp { "bad chord stdirs in placecd.c: first %lx, last %lx", } { "placecd note length error; noteptr %lx", } { "Accidental placement error.", } Play.cpp { "Timing error in send_midi_packet(): this_time %lx last_time %lx", } Playtime.cpp { "Time Manager not interrupting for stop_all_notes_in_future()", } { "Time Manager not interrupting for start_note_in_future()", } { "Time Manager not interrupting for stop_note_in_future()", } { "Time Manager not interrupting for send_midi_data_in_future()", } { "Time Manager not interrupting for record_option_metro_in_future()", } Playvc.cpp { "Sorry, your computer has no MIDI capabilities, so you cannot use Hear.", } { "Sorry, your computer has no MIDI Manager nor QuickTime, so you cannot use Hear.", } Plot.cpp { "plot.c: Unrecognized Graphics Element kind %hd", } Plotnote.cpp { "No ENDSYST found in get_bracket()!", } Print.cpp { "You might need to quit Lime and select a printer. Print Manager Error", } { "Print_init, creating print record", } { "You might need to quit Lime and select a printer in the Chooser. Print Manager Error", } { "Out of memory; cannot allocate Print Record!", } { "Change Page Setup for Which Contexts?", } { "Try a scaling of %hd percent (for 8.5 in by 11 in paper) or %hd percent (for A4 paper), and %s page orientation.", } { "landscape", } { "portrait", } { "Try a scaling of %hd percent (for 8.5 in by 11 in paper or A4 paper), and %s page orientation.", } { "%s\n\nLime will remember the scaling and page orientation you choose if you have the proper default printer selected in the Printer control panel.", } { "Print Which Notation Contexts?", } { "Not enough memory to print notation contexts!", } { "You do not have a PostScript output device (printer or previewer) selected! Your sheet music will look better if you use a PostScript printer.", } { "Open Printer Page", } { "Lime could not create the print graphics port.%s%sThis may be due to a bad setting in Page Setup; please check Page Setup, then try to print again.", } { "Graphics Context", } { "Close Printer Page", } { "Before EndDoc", } { "EndDoc", } { "Printer Startup", } { "Should a TIFF preview be included in your EPS file?", } { "Before PrCloseDoc", } { "PrCloseDoc", } { "PrPicFile", } { "Not enough memory for post-printing notation context!", } { "Your printer driver is having trouble with PostScript from Lime. Your sheet music will look better if this problem is solved; you might try checking your Page Setup and Print settings.", } { "Out of memory for generating PostScript, in PtrToHand.", } { "Error in PtrToHand during PostScript generation: %hd", } { "Bad mode in print.c", } { "draw_postscript_page.c: Unrecognized Graphics Element kind %hd", } Printbm.cpp { "printbeam.c: advance(%lx) returns NIL in advance()!!!", } { "Confusion in trem_beam_clip_compute!", } { "Inconsistency in leastsq: ptr %lx", } { "Only one chord in beam in leastsq()!", } { "Grace logic error in printbeam", } { "Inconsistency in printbeam: first %lx, last %lx, ptr %lx", } Printcd.cpp { "String number out of range for tablature: note %lx string %hd", } { "No character for accidental number %hd; accidental omitted.", } { "drawacc finds xnumspacc(%lx) out of range: %hd", } { "printcd.c: Two rests for same stem direction", } QUICLIME.CPP { "Lime will use QuickTime to play your notes. MIDI input will not work.", } Readlime.cpp { "%s from %s", } { "piece_start logic error in readlime.c: should be NIL", } { "Due to missing xstartpiece ENDSYST, have %hd voices.", } { "Reading piece aborted: start of voice %hd is %s (should be ENDSYST with xstartpiece TRUE and xendpiece FALSE).", } { "Reading piece aborted: ENDSYST starting voice %hd has xstartpiece %hd, xendpiece %hd (should be xstartpiece TRUE, xendpiece FALSE).", } { "Warning: This piece contains inaccessible nodes (%hd notation contexts, %hd max xcontext value).", } { "The voices in your piece have inconsistent playback lengths. Should the notes' playback timing be recomputed from their notated durations to try to fix the problem? (This will be the same as if you Group Select all the notes in your piece, and use the Recompute Playback menu option.)", } { "The voices in your piece have inconsistent playback lengths. The first occurrence of a playback duration problem may be around bar %d. Should playback timing be recomputed from the notated durations to try to fix the problem? (This will be the same as if you Group Select all the notes in your piece, and use the Recompute Playback menu option.)", } { "The voices in your piece have inconsistent playback lengths. To try to fix the problem, you can Group Select all the notes in your piece, and use the Recompute Playback menu option to recompute the notes' playback timing from their notated durations.", } { "You have %hd voices, and voice %hd is empty!? If this piece is from the OPAL translator, fix your 'staff' commands and retranslate!", } { "Reading piece aborted: Premature end of file at voice %hd (voice range %hd..%hd); missing final ENDSYST node.", } { "Reading piece aborted: Illegal node on voice %hd: node kind %hd (legal range %hd..%hd).", } { "Your piece has some text problems which are being fixed.", } { "program %d", } { "Warning: Voice %hd has grace/nongrace in same chord; chord boundary added.", } { "Warning: %s node in the middle of a chord; chord boundary added (voice %hd).", } { "Illegal PRINT node on voice %hd: staff number %hd not in range 0..%hd; using staff number %hd instead.", } { "Two PRINT nodes with no intervening notes on voice %hd measure %d and %d; first PRINT node deleted.", } { "Bad KEYSIG on voice %hd: %hd accidentals (max is %hd).", } Readout.cpp { "no Lime piece is open", } { "Lime could not load the Jaws DLL.\nMake sure JFWAPI.dll is in the same directory as Lime.exe.\nPlease contact Dancing Dots if you continue to have problems.", } { "%s note entry mode ", } { "%s not in note entry mode", } { "%s end note entry", } { "%s bar %d ", } { "%s beat %s%s ", } { "%s no note selected, press escape, ", } { "%s system %d staff %d", } { "treble", } { "bass", } { "alto", } { "tenor", } { "soprano", } { "treble octave", } { "baritone", } { "percussion single", } { "percussion double", } { "cymbal", } { "mezzo soprano", } { "c baritone", } { "%s %s clef,", } { "sharps", } { "flats", } { "%s transpose %d", } { "%s common time,", } { "%s cut time,", } { "%s %d %d time,", } { "%s forward and backward repeat", } { "%s backward repeat", } { "%s forward repeat", } { "%s double bar", } { "%s at end of system,", } { "%s, group select, ", } { "%s, no annotation selected", } { "%sadd ", } { "red rest", } { "rest", } { "%scombined ", } { "%snot visible ", } { "%shidden ", } { "%s%s %s written %d ", } { "%sgrace ", } { "%scue ", } { "%stie to next ", } { "%sslur to next ", } { "%sstaccatissimo ", } { "%sstaccato ", } { "%stenuto ", } { "%sgliss ", } { "%sfermata ", } { "%sdoubled ", } { "%s selected", } { "%s uninterpreted", } { "%s anno %s", } { "%s Curve Annotation ", } { "%s Line Annotation ", } { "crescendo ", } { "diminuendo ", } { "%s affects playback", } { "no note selected, press escape, ", } { "must be in note entry mode to use this", } { "reached start of piece, ", } { "reached start of page, ", } { "reached end of piece, ", } { "reached end of page, ", } { "first note in piece, ", } { "first note on page, ", } { "last note in piece, ", } { "last note on page, ", } Reassociate.cpp { "Select a note at the start of a system before you use this menu option.", } { "Select a note at the start of a system (but not start of piece) before you use this menu option.", } { "Link to:", } { "reassociate() could not find part order.", } { "Do you want to save your piece now, before you relink?", } { "reassociate() has at_sys_time(%d)==NIL.", } { "reassociate() could not find part.", } { "reassociate() deactivate view failed.", } { "reassociate() open_view failed.", } Recdlog.cpp { "unexpected dialog in recimp_dialog_event", } { "Unexpected item returned from record dialog %hd", } { "track (out of range for your MIDI file)", } { "first MIDI channel", } { "last MIDI channel", } { "lowest MIDI key number", } { "highest MIDI key number", } { "Too many metronome beats in recording!", } Record1.cpp { "Sorry, your computer has no MIDI capabilities, so you cannot use Record.", } { "Not enough memory to record.", } { "Multiple-rhythm analyses require undotted beats!", } Record2.cpp { "All your notes were during beats-for-nothing!", } { "Confusion for note %lx in normalize_recording(): time %d beat %hd: %d %d %d\n", } { "Confusion in the rhythmic analysis! You should probably click Cancel and try again.", } { "normalize_recording(): note %x TIEOVER time %d beat %hd (time-beat %d)\n", } { "normalize_recording(): note %x time %d beat %hd (time-beat %d time-note %d)\n", } { "Active template list overflow.", } { "Template table is confused", } { "Confusion when combining tied chords!", } { "Pitch error in set_retained_durations: chord_size %hd, rnote_ptr %lx, last_note %lx, cptr %lx", } Relink.cpp { "LHRHend inconsistency", } { "relink.c: logic error in get_notes_until_xend", } { "logic error in relink.c: staff_data(%hd)->ppnt[%d] is NIL", } { "Fatal logic error in relink.c\n", } { "Fatal error: LHRH switch from sstaff %hd to %hd. Legal range %hd..%hd", } { "pnote logic error1 in relink.c setprint()", } { "pnote logic error2 in relink.c setprint()", } { "Unexpected xforced in relink.c", } Relocate.cpp { "Warning: This system has no notes! (page %d system %d context %d)", } { "Too many relocation zones on one system!", } { "rods_and_springs error: zones %d first_pstaff %d curxloc %d ideal_curxloc %f", } { "Spring %hd not found out of %hd springs in relocate_note()!", } { "No spring in range for find_perfect_force()!", } { "Bad spring number in new_rod: left==right==%hd, springs==%hd", } { "Bad parameter for find_cmove.", } { "find_cmove: no xendscd note found!", } { "Bad parameter for find_zone.", } { "find_zone: no xendscd note found!", } RelocateBROKE.cpp RelocateWORKS.cpp Replace.cpp { "You cannot mix grace notes and normal notes in one chord. If you want to insert grace notes before a chord, do not use the ADD box.", } { "You cannot mix nachschlag grace notes and normal grace notes in one chord. If you want to insert different types of grace notes, do not use the ADD box.", } { "grace error in replace.c", } { "Not enough time in measure to insert note.", } { "Not enough time to insert this note before a new specification made with the Parts and Voices... menu option.", } { "Not enough time on system to insert this note.", } { "You cannot do this because it would leave an empty measure for one of the voices. To replace a note with a rest, use the Delete key. To stop printing a part, use Don't Print in the Parts and Voices... menu option. To delete measures, use the Delete Measures... menu option.", } { "Bad restify() parameter: oldstart %0lx oldend %0lx dur %0lx", } { "Bad fill_time_gap() parameter: location %0lx dur %lx", } { "bad delend in do_Tilia_update (replace.c)", } { "Unable to make a rest of right length to fill time gap.", } { "No nest node!", } Resize.cpp { "PDATA node missing after MIDLINE", } { "line", } { "hairpin", } { "bracket", } { "To create a line or hairpin across page turns or systems: First, select the starting note, and draw the beginning of the line or hairpin. Then select the ending note (same part and voice) and use Extend Line To Here.%sTo extend an existing line or hairpin, select it using %s-click, then select the ending note and use Extend Line To Here.", } { "You cannot use Extend Line To Here because the annotation you most recently selected cannot be the start of a line, hairpin, or bracket.", } { "You cannot use Extend Line To Here because the annotation you most recently selected has Horizontal Lock set.", } { "You cannot use Extend Line To Here because the %s you most recently selected is %s the note you have selected now.", } { "later in the piece than", } { "not on the same voice as", } { "Bad node for remove_resizing", } RunLiszt.cpp { "Progress: %d%%", } { "The Liszt OMR Engine could not read your sheet music image:%s%s%s.", } { "Internal inconsistency detected", } { "OS routine failed with no error code", } { "Not enough memory (heap)", } { "Not enough memory (shifting heap)", } { "Not enough memory (malloc)", } { "Wrong number of arguments passed to engine", } { "Failed to initialise file paths module", } { "No memory for 'magang' table", } { "No memory for 'vdist' table", } { "Can't read pattern recognition data file", } { "Can't read data file", } { "Can't read text-OCR data file", } { "Failed to initialise for text-OCR", } { "Can't read music-OCR data file", } { "Failed to initialise for music-OCR", } { "Failed to read language data", } { "Failed to initialise language data", } { "No memory for dictionary", } { "Failed to initialise user dictionary", } { "Failed to initialise OCR engine", } { "not used (RISC OS)", } { "Failed to open image file for reading", } { "Failed to read image file", } { "No memory for image file", } { "Image is too big", } { "Failed to load image file", } { "Not a 1 bit per pixel image", } { "Not a version 4 image file", } { "Not a RGB image", } { "More than one plane in image", } { "Can't open file or low level read error", } { "Bad syntax or bad value", } { "Empty image", } { "Image too noisy or complex", } { "Failed to find any staves", } { "Failed to make score rectangular", } { "Failed to deal with multistave objects", } { "failed to unify time signatures", } { "No memory to make NIFF", } { "Failed to open NIFF file", } { "Failed to write to NIFF file", } { "Failed to open .mro file", } { "Failed to write to .mro file", } { "Failed to open MusicXML file", } { "Failed to write to MusicXML file", } { "Failed to open MIDI file", } { "Failed to write to MIDI file", } { "No memory to make MIDI", } { "Failed to write byte to MIDI file", } { "Unknown error", } { "Unable to get the Twain data for OMR.", } Scrsel.cpp { "Voice number %hd is out of range in set_selected_voice! There are %hd voices.", } { "Voice linked list error in set_selected_voice!", } { "Bad voice list in find find_nearest_visnote", } { "Bad Graphics Element kind in line_clipy1", } Setstdir.cpp { "setstdir.c: missing xendbeam before LHRH", } { "setstdir.c: xendbeam inconsistency", } { "Confusion about forced stdirs in setstdir.c: startbeam %lx, beam_next %lx, temp %lx", } { "grace logic error in setstdir.c", } { "tmpdir logic error in setstdir.c", } { "curstdir logic error in setstdir.c", } { "Setstdir.c: bad call of grace_stmdir", } Slurtiem.cpp { "slurdata() has NIL slurnote", } { "Slur direction confusion in endchord.", } { "near notehead", } Sort.cpp { "bad call on sort_chord", } { "Bad call to setendbm: first %lx %s dir %hd, last %lx %s dir %hd", } { "GRACE", } { "non-grace", } { "Logic error in setendbm", } Spacing2.cpp { "grace logic error in specspace step 1", } { "grace logic error in specspace step 2", } { "Error in look_for_measures_of_rests; got a note on staff %hd!", } { "CDDATA logic error in spacing2.c", } { "CDDATA2 logic error in spacing2.c", } { "CDDATA3 logic error in spacing2.c", } { "logic error in 'is_whole_rest'", } { "Bad arguments to lyrlth!", } Specplot.cpp { "grace logic error in specplot step 1", } { "%s%sPage %hd", } Split.cpp { "Import problem in start_end_split_voices()", } Staffops.cpp { "confusion in layer_first", } { "beam_next(NIL)", } { "Bad call on beam_next (not formatter_vis_noterest)", } { "beam_next: endstf because missing xendscd", } { "Bad stmdirs in calling precedingLHRH (staffops.c): first %lx, last %lx", } { "Bad stmdirs in calling followingLHRH (staffops.c)", } { "bad call on cddatptr: works only for visible notes", } { "cddatptr: no xendscd note found!", } { "cddatptr logic error (staffops.c)", } { "Logic error in staffops.c, routine cddatptr()", } { "insertstf has place == NIL!!!!!", } { "removestf in staffops.c: Attempt to remove only note in a chord", } { "cddata logic error in removestf", } { "cddata2 logic error in removestf", } { "cddata3 logic error in removestf", } { "ntdata logic error in removestf", } { "Bad call: startstf(NIL)", } { "staffops.c warning: endstf tested for a %s (%hd) node (not a visible note))", } { "staffops.c warning: testing endvc(NIL)", } { "staffops.c warning: testing endvcnotes(NIL)", } { "fatal logic error in call of endvcnotes", } Symbmenu.cpp { "Unexpected item returned from beaming-rule dialog", } { "the first number", } { "the second number", } { "the third number", } { "the fourth number", } { "the subbeam value", } { "Unexpected item returned from clef dialog", } { "\p1st", } { "\p3rd", } { "\p2nd", } { "Unexpected item returned from bar dialog", } { "bar number", } { "go to bar number", } { "You must type 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for the Time Through", } { "Bad Delete item in bracket_dialog", } { "Unexpected item returned from bracket dialog", } { "Do not select All Staves when you use Draw Brace Between This Staff and Next.", } { "Unexpected item returned from tsig dialog", } { "Change Options for Which Notation Contexts?", } { "Unexpected item returned from options dialog", } { "page number", } { "Note spacing factor", } { "Change Layout for Which Contexts?", } { "Memory usage is %hd%%", } { "Unexpected item returned from layout dialog", } { "Page size in X", } { "Page size in Y", } { "Points above top staff", } { "Points above top staff on first page", } { "Points below bottom staff", } { "Points below bottom staff on first page", } { "Points to left of staff lines on odd pages", } { "Points to left of staff lines on even pages", } { "Points to left of first staff lines", } { "Points to right of staff lines on odd pages", } { "Points to right of staff lines on even pages", } { "Points to right of last staff lines", } { "Minimum default line width", } { "Thinnest PostScript line", } { "Memory logic error in layout_dialog()", } { "There is not enough memory for the requested zoom size.", } { "There is not enough memory for the requested page size.", } { "Do you really want to change zoom size? Your memory usage will be about %hd%%.", } { "Do you really want to change page size? Your memory usage will be about %hd%%.", } Symbol.cpp { "The %s is not at a timing boundary for all voices; are you sure you want to put it here?", } { "bad call in other.c (edit_beaming)", } { "Can't have beaming at End of System!", } { "beaming rule", } { "clef", } { "bar line", } { "bad call in other.c (edit_tsig)", } { "time signature", } { "bad call to get_timesig_beaming", } Syserr.cpp { "Too many files on disk; the file directory is full", } { "The disk is full", } { "Cannot find the volume", } { "Disk I/O error", } { "Bad file name or volume name", } { "Bad IO operation: file is not open", } { "Premature end-of-file", } { "Attempt to position before start of file", } { "Too many files open", } { "File not found", } { "Disk is locked (hardware lock)", } { "File is locked", } { "Cannot write file: Disk is write protected (software lock)", } { "File is busy", } { "File with specified name and version number already exists", } { "This file is already open. Continue only if other uses of the file have terminated (for example, if the system crashed while using this file).", } { "Error in parameter list for io operation", } { "io error: Path reference number specifies nonexistent access path", } { "io error: error during GetFPos", } { "io error: the volume is not on line", } { "io error: attempt to open locked file for writing", } { "io error: volume is already mounted and on-line", } { "io error: no such drive", } { "Disk cannot be read: it is not a Macintosh disk", } { "io error: external file system", } { "io error: problem renaming a file on the disk", } { "Disk has a bad master directory block. It must be reinitialized.", } { "Cannot write your file: it is write protected", } { "Program error: desk scrap not initialized", } { "Saving print file.", } { "Unimplemented control instruction for printing.", } { "Sorry, an I/O error occurred.", } { "Sorry, not enough memory.", } { "Error in printer Status call.", } { "Resource file not found.", } { "Low level disk error: error number %hd", } { "System error number %hd.", } { "File or disk is read-only.", } { "Error in program. OsErr = %hd", } System.cpp { "Bad pointer for systems().", } { "Since %s is a new Notation Context, its systems need to be determined before you go on. Click Continue to start the process.", } { "Your MusicXML file does not indicate where new systems begin, so its systems need to be determined before you go on. Click Continue to start the process.", } { "Your MusicXML file does not indicate where new pages begin, so its pages need to be determined before you go on. Click Continue to start the process.", } { "Not enough memory available to allocate Systems storage!", } { "You are not starting at a timing boundary for all voices!", } { "You have bar lines on some staves but not on others!", } { "At bar %d no voices are printing in this notation context. Add a part that prints in bar %d.", } { "Your piece has no measures!?", } { "Before you can do this, you need to make parts you want in this new notation context print in the the Score notation context.", } { "Your piece has too few notes for the Systems... option.", } { "Impossible system operation in Score Notation Context!", } { "Confusion in get_meas_info!", } { "density", } { "The list must start with a number.", } { "There is a problem in the list around %d. Use only commas and semicolons between bar numbers.", } { "Measure number %d is not allowed.", } { "This rounds to %hd pages in the %s Notation Context. Maximum density of any system is %ld%%, minimum is %ld%%.", } System2.cpp { "end_of_page logic error in insert_system_start", } { "You cannot make a system start at a note which is not at a timing boundary for all voices. Bar %d.", } { "at_sys_time logic error in splits", } { "End-of-piece error in insert_endsyst_on_voice()!", } { "You have a voice with no notes on the system!", } { "Bad pointer for insert_endsyst_on_voice()!", } { "Removing extraneous BAR node.", } { "Removing extraneous CLEF node.", } { "Removing extraneous KEYSIG node.", } { "Removing extraneous TIMESIG node.", } { "delete_system_start() called with NIL pointer.", } { "delete_system_start() called with no other system to combine with.", } { "You must use the Parts and Voices... menu option to make the number of staves the same in both systems before you combine systems!", } Text.cpp { "text_click called with MODE != TEXT_MODE", } { "non-NIL edit record in text_start (text.c)", } { "called text_finish when not in TEXT_MODE", } { "Your Script selection is not compatible with Marl, Tufa, and Symbol fonts.", } { "NIL edit record in change_text_position (text.c)", } { "NIL edit record in TE_no_newlines (text.c)", } { "Error in adjusted_texty().", } Tilia.cpp { "Tilia node size inconsistent (Tilia.c): %ld instead of %hd", } { "Not enough memory to run Lime! Please increase Lime's memory.", } { "LimeMemory allocation fails in Tilia.c.", } { "LimeMemory_Init logic error: total_Tilia_count %ld, freeCount %ld", } { "Out of LimeMemory!%sIf you are running several programs at once, try quitting them, then run Lime again. If you continue to have trouble, please call the Lime consultant.", } { "Out of LimeMemory!%sIncrease the Memory Size for Lime (using Get Info in the Finder), then run Lime again. If you continue to have trouble, please call the Lime consultant.", } { "illegal deallocate_in_memory: %lx bytes at %lx; legal range %lx-%lx", } { "ERROR - LIME IS OUT OF MEMORY FOR TILIA NODES.", } { "destroyTilia(NIL)!!", } { "destroyTilia called for a FREE node!!", } { "destroy_Tilia_list called for a FREE node!!", } { "Your paste_type is NO_PASTE, but paste_list is %lx!!!", } { "CheckfreeTilia: %ld nodes used; expected %hd; total %ld. Press RETURN %ld more times.", } { "CheckfreeTilia: undo %ld paste_count %hd paste_ptr %lx paste_list %lx.", } { "scan_free last FREE at %0lx tail %0lx xnext(last) %0lx", } { "scan_free list (%s): Bad kind at %lx (number %ld), type %s.", } { "scan_free list (%s): Had %ld (not %ld) free. Total nodes %ld.", } { "Bad freeHead pointer in compressTilia!", } { "Bad freeTail pointer in compressTilia!", } { "compress error: old_low %0lx new_low %0lx ptr %0lx xnext &0lx xback %0lx", } Tiliaops.cpp { "error: findfirst for kind %s not implemented", } { "error: findlast for kind %s not implemented", } { "error: findnext for kind %s not implemented", } { "error: findnext_any_context for kind %s not implemented", } { "Bad node type in search_staff_chord!", } { "Bad subset of kinds in temp_node = %hd", } { "Bad call on staff_chord_first (TiliaOps.c)", } { "Bad call on staff_chord_last (TiliaOps.c)", } { "Error in stem_chord", } { "Bad call on voice_chord (TiliaOps.c)", } { "Bad call on barsep (TiliaOps.c)", } Undo.cpp { "Bad call to removevc_list_with_undo!", } { "Bad call to insertvc_with_undo!", } { "Call to insertvc_with_undo without permanent nodes! First node %hd (%s).", } { "Bad call to modifyvc_with_undo!", } { "Temporary node for modifyvc_with_undo %hd (%s)!", } { "Sorry, due to a program problem, you cannot Undo.", } { "Undo does not end with a MARK node! Cannot undo.", } { "Unexpected Undo/Redo operation = %hd", } { "NIL search result in find_perm_node(xxx,%s)", } { "Not a valid voice list: %s Head is type %hd (%s).", } Values.cpp { "NIL rest pointer in rest_ascend_size", } { "Bad call to hdw!", } Version.cpp { "Lime Version %s", } { "Lime Viewer Version %s", } { "LIME Error: store_version_resource/addresource %hd", } { "LIME Resource Error: store_version_resource/WriteResource %hd", } { "LIME Resource Error: store_version_resource/ReleaseResource %hd", } Views.cpp { "Pre-existing NTVIEW for view %hd on voice %hd in copy_to_VIEW_nodes!", } { "Pre-existing PVIEW for view %hd on voice %hd in copy_to_VIEW_nodes!", } { "Pre-existing NTDATA on voice %hd in copy_from_VIEW_nodes!", } { "Pre-existing PDATA on voice %hd in copy_from_VIEW_nodes!", } { "Voice %hd has an orphaned PVIEW node! ptr=%lx", } { "Voice %hd has a PVIEW node (%lx) before %s (%lx)!", } { "Bad current_view_index when calling open_view", } { "You cannot open so many windows!", } { "end of close_view", } { "GROUP_SELECT in indicate_no_current_view().", } Voices.cpp { "Bad call on Parts and Voices... dialog (NIL insertion_point)", } { "You need to be at the beginning of a system to create a new part.", } { "Move staff to which position in the list?", } { "Unexpected item returned from Parts and Voices... dialog.", } { "Staff %d: ", } { "Staff -: ", } { "Staff \320: ", } { "staff lines", } { "staff size", } { "For right hand piano tab you must have %hd staff lines, for left hand you must have %hd!", } { "For tablature you must have between 1 and %hd staff lines!", } { "You have Don't Print selected for all of the parts!", } { "Not at start of chord in find_PRINT_before_note: %0lx", } { "Do you want to adjust the %s setting for all of voice '%s'?", } { "tablature", } { "Confusion in reorder_voices()!", } { "Do you want this voice to switch back later in this measure?", } { "Do you want this voice to switch back in %d measures?", } Win.cpp { "\pNew Piece", } { "NIL call to display_win_title()", } { "Lime", } { "Lime Viewer", } { "%spage %hd of %hd; ", } Xhdy.cpp { "Unknown clef type for clefmod7 in xhdy.c.", } Xlat.cpp { "Button", } { "strmoreStr", } Classify.h { "not classified", } { "other", } { "title", } { "composer", } { "rehearsal", } { "lyric", } { "tempo marking", } { "dynamic", } { "fingering", } { "pedal", } { "fret grid", } { "chord symbol", } { "midi", } { "label", } { "articulation", } { "breath mark", } { "ornament", } { "repeat/ending/segno", } { "copyright", } { "bowing", } { "pause", } { "mood", } { "tempo alteration", } { "ERROR BAD VALUE", } { "Not Classified", } { "Other", } { "Title", } { "Composer", } { "Rehearsal", } { "Lyric", } { "Tempo Marking", } { "Dynamic", } { "Fingering", } { "Pedal", } { "Fret Grid", } { "Chord Symbol", } { "Midi", } { "Label", } { "Articulation", } { "Breath Mark", } { "Ornament", } { "Repeat/Ending/Segno", } { "Copyright", } { "Bowing", } { "Pause", } { "Mood", } { "Tempo Alteration", } { "plain line", } { "tuplet bracket", } { "plain bracket", } { "right bracket", } { "left bracket", } Edit.h { "New Piece", } General.h { "maclime.hwinlime.hlnkTilia.hGEproto.hCString.h", } Readout.h { "Ay", } { "double flat ", } { "flat ", } { "natural ", } { "sharp ", } { "double sharp ", } { "Double Flat ", } { "Flat ", } { "Natural ", } { "Sharp ", } { "Double Sharp ", } { "duple ", } { "triplet ", } { "quadlet ", } { "quintuplet ", } { "sextuplet ", } { "septuplet ", } { "tuplet ", } { "double whole ", "breve " } { "whole ", "semibreve " } { "half ", "minim " } { "quarter ", "crotchet " } { "eighth ", "quaver " } { "sixteenth ", "semiquaver " } { "thirty second ", "demmi semiquaver " } { "sixty fourth ", "hemmi demmi semiquaver " } { "one hundred twenty eigth ", "semi hemmi demmi semiquaver " } { "dotted ", } { "double dotted ", } { "triple dotted ", } { "accent ", } { "heavy accent ", } { "single tremlo ", } { "double tremlo ", } { "triple tremlo ", } { "quad tremlo ", } { "right parenthesis ", } { "left parenthesis ", } { "parentheses ", } { "percussion ", } { "open harmonic ", } { "closed harmonic ", } { "open lozenge ", } { "closed lozenge ", } { "no head ", } { "piano roll ", } { "square head ", } { "simple head ", } Tilia.h { "\pC Major", } { "\pG Major", } { "\pD Major", } { "\pA Major", } { "\pE Major", } { "\pB Major", } { "\pF Sharp Major", } { "\pC Sharp Major", } { "\pA Minor", } { "\pE Minor", } { "\pB Minor", } { "\pF Sharp Minor", } { "\pC Sharp Minor", } { "\pG Sharp Minor", } { "\pD Sharp Minor", } { "\pA Sharp Minor", } { "\pF Major", } { "\pB Flat Major", } { "\pE Flat Major", } { "\pA Flat Major", } { "\pD Flat Major", } { "\pG Flat Major", } { "\pC Flat Major", } { "\pD Minor", } { "\pG Minor", } { "\pC Minor", } { "\pF Minor", } { "\pB Flat Minor", } { "\pE Flat Minor", } { "\pA Flat Minor", } Printing.cpp { "Print to what file?", } { "%s from Lime", } Abaca.h { "alignment of a member was sensitive to packing", } { "About Lime...", } { "&Window", } { "&Previous Window\tShift+Ctrl+F6", } { "&Next Window\tCtrl+F6", } { "Arrange &Icons", } { "Close All", } Winlime.cpp { "Your existing LIME.INI file is not compatible with this version of Lime, and will be ignored.", } { "Your LIME.INI file is from a previous version of Lime. You may want to check that your menu accelerator keys and Lime preferences are correct.", } { "Abaca expects USER_COLORS to be 16!", } { "Letter, 8 1/2- by 11-inches", } { "Legal, 8 1/2- by 14-inches", } { "A4 sheet, 210- by 297-millimeters", } { "C sheet, 17- by 22-inches", } { "D sheet, 22- by 34-inches", } { "E sheet, 34- by 44-inches", } { "Letter Small, 8 1/2- by 11-inches", } { "Tabloid, 11- by 17-inches", } { "Ledger, 17- by 11-inches", } { "Statement, 5 1/2- by 8 1/2-inches", } { "Executive, 7 1/4- by 10 1/2-inches", } { "A3 sheet, 297- by 420-millimeters", } { "A4 small sheet, 210- by 297-millimeters", } { "A5 sheet, 148- by 210-millimeters", } { "B4 sheet, 250- by 354-millimeters", } { "B5 sheet, 182- by 257-millimeter paper", } { "Folio, 8 1/2- by 13-inch paper", } { "Quarto, 215- by 275-millimeter paper", } { "10- by 14-inch sheet", } { "11- by 17-inch sheet", } { "Note, 8 1/2- by 11-inches", } { "#9 Envelope, 3 7/8- by 8 7/8-inches", } { "#10 Envelope, 4 1/8- by 9 1/2-inches", } { "#11 Envelope, 4 1/2- by 10 3/8-inches", } { "#12 Envelope, 4 3/4- by 11-inches", } { "#14 Envelope, 5- by 11 1/2-inches", } { "DL Envelope, 110- by 220-millimeters", } { "C5 Envelope, 162- by 229-millimeters", } { "C3 Envelope, 324- by 458-millimeters", } { "C4 Envelope, 229- by 324-millimeters", } { "C6 Envelope, 114- by 162-millimeters", } { "C65 Envelope, 114- by 229-millimeters", } { "B4 Envelope, 250- by 353-millimeters", } { "B5 Envelope, 176- by 250-millimeters", } { "B6 Envelope, 176- by 125-millimeters", } { "Italy Envelope, 110- by 230-millimeters", } { "Monarch Envelope, 3 7/8- by 7 1/2-inches", } { "6 3/4 Envelope, 3 5/8- by 6 1/2-inches", } { "US Std Fanfold, 14 7/8- by 11-inches", } { "German Std Fanfold, 8 1/2- by 12-inches", } { "German Legal Fanfold, 8 1/2- by 13-inches", } MACLIME.CPP { "The Lime preferences file cannot be updated because is locked!", } { "Error in AddResource for prefs_handle = %hd", } { "Error in WriteResource for prefs_handle = %hd", } { "Error in ReleaseResource for prefs_handle = %hd", } LIME.rc { "M", } { "T", } { "L", } { "Clear", } { "Apply", } { "Fatal Error", } { "^0^1", } { "&Quit", } { "&No", } { "&Yes", } { "&Continue", } { "&Quit Lime, No Save", } { "^0", } { "Cancel", } { "About Lime", } { "Lime ^0^1", } { "Dr. Lippold Haken\nCERL Sound Group\nUniversity of Illinois", } { "and", } { "Dr. Dorothea Blostein\nQueen's University\nKingston, Ontario", } { "Adapted for Windows by Paul S. Christensen and Lippold Haken", } { "For purchasing information and for consultation, please contact us:", } { "^2", } { "^3", } { "Mail: Lime, 1906 Augusta, Champaign, IL 61821, USA", } { "Copyright (C) January 2007, by Lippold Haken and Dorothea Blostein", } { "Align Annotations", } { "Align Selected Annotations:", } { "Top", } { "Bottom", } { "Left", } { "Middle (of Top Annotation)", } { "Right", } { "OK", } { "Align Bars", } { "This will use Chord Drag to Approximately Align Your Bars.", } { "All Bars on Each System Take Equal Space", } { "Align Selected Bars with Topmost Selection", } { "Align Selected Bars with Leftmost Selection", } { "Align Selected Bars with Rightmost Selection", } { "Bar Line", } { "Bar for ^0", } { "JawsKluge", } { "Draw Bar Line On Staff", } { "Draw Bar Line On Staff and to Next Staff", } { "Draw Between Staff and Next (Not on Staff)", } { "Copy Bar Line Connections to Remainder of Piece", } { "Copy Bar Line Style to Remainder of Piece", } { "Print Bar Number at Start of Next System", } { "Don't Count This Bar in Bar Numbering", } { "Restart Bar Numbering With", } { "Special For Hear Option:", } { "1st Ending", } { "2nd Ending", } { "Go To Bar", } { "(", } { "Time Through)", } { "Current Staff Only", } { "All Staves", } { "Before Current Note", } { "At End of System", } { "&Delete", } { "Beaming Rule", } { "How Many 8th Notes Should\nBe Beamed Together?", } { "How Many 8th Note Values\nin the Longest Sub-beam?\n(Type 0 for No Sub-beaming)", } { "Current Voice Only", } { "All Parts and Voices", } { "Change Page Size", } { "To fill the default paper size for your printer (^2), \ntry ^0% scaling and ^1 page orientation.", } { "Chord Drag", } { "Choose how Chord Drag operates:", } { "Music to the left and right of dragged chord relocates.", } { "Only dragged chord relocates.", } { "Change vertical position of rests.", } { "To drag a chord, rest, or accidental, hold down the Control key then drag.", } { "Clef", } { "Clef for ^0", } { "Hide Clef", } { "Use this Clef for Remainder of Piece", } { "Graphic Change Only (note positions will not change)", } { "Color", } { "Click on a ^0 Color:", } { "To Customize a Color, Shift-click on the Color.\n\nCorrect colors will appear in Lime only if your window\ncolor is white (set using the Windows Control Panel).", } { "Automatically color noteheads by note name", } { "Control Keys", } { "Type the letter for the menu shortcut:", } { "Use Control Key", } { "Type nothing to clear shortcut.", } { "Copy Measures", } { "Copy How Many Measures?", } { "Selected Voice Only", } { "All Voices on Staff", } { "Copy Annotations, MIDI Messages,\nand Parameter Changes:", } { "For All of the Notes", } { "For All but First Note", } { "For None of the Notes", } { "Also copy Chord Drags at Bar Lines", } { "Copy Parameter", } { "Copy Parameter:", } { "Currently Displayed Parameter", } { "All Parameters Which Have Been Changed At or Before This Note", } { "Note: After you use Copy Parameter, you can select a group of notes and use Paste Parameter.", } { "Default Accidentals", } { "Accidentals For the Music Keyboard:", } { "c screen reader", } { "c+ screen reader", } { "d screen reader", } { "d+ screen reader", } { "e screen reader", } { "f screen reader", } { "f+ screen reader", } { "g screen reader", } { "g+ screen reader", } { "a screen reader", } { "a+ screen reader", } { "b screen reader", } { "Delete Measures", } { "Delete Measures for ^0", } { "Measures, Starting at the Current Note", } { "Dynamic Levels", } { "Volume Levels (in %) for Dynamic Markings:", } { "Dynamic Markings Do Not Affect Volume Levels.", } { "Note values will be set according to these levels\nwhen dynamics are typed. Further modifications can\nbe made using Louder/Softer in the Hear menu.", } { "Hear", } { "Hear These Parts:", } { "Skip Repeats", } { "Percent of Marked Tempo:", } { "Select &All", } { "Select &None", } { "Hidden Text", } { "Which Hidden Text Annotations Should Be Displayed on Screen?", } { "Hidden Tempo Markings (\\q = 120 or \\hd = 60)", } { "Hidden Dynamic Markings (\\ppp or \\mf)", } { "Hidden Pedal Markings (\\ped or \\*)", } { "Hidden MIDI (program 17 or control 5 110 or channel 7)", } { "Hidden Parameter Text (made by Parameters dialog)", } { "Hidden Fingerings", } { "Other Hidden Text Annotations", } { "Which Hidden Text Annotations Should Be Printed on Paper?", } { "Hidden Tempo Markings", } { "Hidden Dynamic Markings", } { "Hidden Pedal Markings", } { "Hidden MIDI Text", } { "Hidden Parameter Text", } { "Import MIDI", } { "Import One Voice's Notes from MIDI File:\nMIDI File Type ^0", } { "beat screen reader", } { "smallest screen reader", } { "Metronome Beat:", } { "Smallest Division:", } { "Simple Triplets", } { "Mixed Triplets", } { "Start Metronome On First Note", } { "Metronome by Foot Switch", } { "Interpret 3 Adjacent Keys on the Keyboard as a Rest", } { "Retain Key Velocities and Sustain Pedal", } { "Channels:", } { "First", } { "Last", } { "Pitches:", } { "Low", } { "High", } { "Track", } { "Retain Exact Durations\nfor Playback", } { "Insert Measures", } { "Insert Measures for ^0", } { "Measures of", } { "Time", } { "Insert All Measures on Current System", } { "Start New Systems or Pages:", } { "Measures per System", } { "Systems per Page", } { "Internal Fields", } { "Note", } { "Rest", } { "Igval", } { "Dots", } { "Mod7", } { "Trem", } { "String", } { "Accnt", } { "Tupl", } { "Acc", } { "Dir", } { "Plot Acc", } { "No Stem", } { "Slash", } { "Nachschlag", } { "Hide Rest", } { "Hide Tuplet", } { "Dash Tie", } { "Dash Slur", } { "Stem Betw", } { "Glissando", } { "Trem Beam", } { "End Chord", } { "Dont Combine Rests", } { "Continue Sub-beaming", } { "End Sub-beaming", } { "Continue Beaming", } { "End Beaming", } { "Fermata", } { "Notehead", } { "Pitch: Halfstep.Cents", } { "Length (hex)", } { "Volume", } { "Ttn (hex)", } { "Voice", } { "Stac", } { "Tenuto", } { "Piano Window Keys", } { "Type an alphanumeric character that corresponds to this Piano Window function.", } { "skim special", } { "Keep NumLock on if you use keypad keys.", } { "Key Signature", } { "Key for ^0", } { "editspecial", } { "Sharps", } { "Flats", } { "Plot Naturals at Key Change", } { "Transpose Notes and Chord Symbols", } { "Up", } { "Down", } { "to the New Key", } { "Transposing Instrument Sounds", } { "Half-steps Below(-)/Above(+) Written Pitch", } { "Use this Key for Remainder of Piece", } { "Graphic Change Only (note accidentals will not change)", } { "Layout", } { "Points to Left Of Staff: On Odd Pages", } { "On Even Pages", } { "At Start of Piece", } { "Points to Right of Staff: On Odd Pages", } { "At End Of Piece", } { "Points Above Top Staff", } { "On First Page", } { "Points Below Bottom Staff", } { "Page Size (inches)", } { "by", } { "Minimum Default Line Width (points)", } { "Show Rulers", } { "Zoom for Editing:", } { "Enlarge", } { "Normal", } { "Reduce", } { "^1", } { "Notation Contexts", } { "Notation Context:", } { "edit special", } { "Notation Context Name:", } { "&New Notation Context", } { "&Delete Notation Context", } { "D&one", } { "Parts:", } { "Notation Contexts for Part Extraction:", } { "&Move Notation Context", } { "Options", } { "Specify Options:", } { "Make Sound for MIDI Input", } { "Insert Key When Creating Systems", } { "Insert Clef When Creating Systems", } { "Print Tuplet Numbers", } { "Print System Separators", } { "Print Page Numbers", } { "Print File Name on Each Page", } { "Print Bar Number at Start of Piece", } { "Print in Color on Paper", } { "Color Notes after Modify Playback", } { "Default Music Font:", } { "Marl and Tufa", } { "Sonata", } { "No Changes to Notes", } { "Start Page Numbers at", } { "Start Bar Numbers at", } { "Effect of Note Length on Spacing", } { "Use Linear Spacing", } { "Reminders to Save File", } { "Switch Tab and Space for Lyrics", } { "Parameters", } { "Parameter for Lime:", } { "Normal Size", } { "Cue/Grace", } { "Value", } { "Character", } { "X, Y Offset", } { "&Font", } { "This Voice Only", } { "Only in", } { "Not in", } { "All Notation Contexts", } { "&Save Change", } { "Default Playback", } { "Percent of Full Length:", } { "Staccato", } { "No Effect on Note Length", } { "Grace Notes Before Beat", } { "Grace Notes on Beat", } { "Grace Note Length\n(% of Sixteenth Note)", } { "Modify Playback Menu:", } { "Volume Change\n(% of Total Range)", } { "Length Change\n(% of Current Length)", } { "Pitch Change\n(% of a Half Step)", } { "Start Time Change\n(% of Sixteenth Note)", } { "Recompute Playback", } { "Choose the Playback Parameters to Recompute:", } { "Playback Durations", } { "Using Notated Note Durations", } { "Redistribute Playback Durations", } { "Playback Dynamics", } { "Playback Pitches", } { "Record", } { "Adjust Settings and Play Your Notes:", } { "Metronome:", } { "per Minute", } { "Note: The metronome beat need not match the time signature;\ngreater accuracy is achieved if it subdivides the time signature.", } { "Silent", } { "Start Metronome on First Note", } { "Use Space Bar or Foot Switch", } { "Metronome Channel", } { "Pitch", } { "Display MIDI Data", } { "Retain Exact Durations", } { "Hear Existing Voices", } { "&Finished Playing", } { "Blank Space", } { "Minimum Amount of Blank Space, in Points", } { "this staff only", } { "all staves", } { "Staff Drag", } { "Choose how Staff Drag operates:", } { "Relocate Staff", } { "Relocate System", } { "Relocate Staff for Remainder of Piece", } { "To drag a staff, hold down the Control key then drag.", } { "Now Printing Music", } { "System Brackets", } { "Bracket and Brace At Start of System", } { "Draw Bracket On Staff", } { "Draw Bracket On Staff and to Next Staff", } { "Don't Draw Bracket for this Staff", } { "Draw Brace Between This Staff and Next", } { "Copy Bracket and Brace Drawing\nto Remainder of Piece", } { "Systems", } { "Systems for ^3 Notation Context", } { "New System and Page Start Locations (Variable)", } { "New System and Page Start Locations (Fixed)", } { "Copy Systems from Score, Make New Page Start Locations", } { "Copy System and Page Start Locations from Score", } { "Use the Following System (,) and Page Start (;) Locations:", } { "Percent of Normal Note Density for Each System", } { "Time Signature", } { "Time Signature for ^0", } { "Cut Time", } { "Common Time", } { "Do not print whole measure rests in this time signature.", } { "Tuning", } { "Tuning Offsets (in cents) from the Equal-tempered Scale:", } { "Double-Flat Flat Natural Sharp Double-Sharp", } { "Only notes added or modified after completing this tuning change\nwill be affected by it. To retune notes already in your piece,\nGroup Select the notes and use Recompute Playback.", } { "Tuplet", } { "Choose the Tuplet Note Value:", } { "In The Time Of", } { "Nested Within Another Tuplet:", } { "Voice on Channel", } { "Voice '^0'", } { "MIDI Channel", } { "Standard MIDI Pitches", } { "Microtonal Tuning for Yamaha FB-01", } { "Microtonal Tuning using Pitch Bend:", } { "No MIDI Output for Voice", } { "Requires Synthesizer in MONO Mode;", } { "use", } { "MIDI Channels. Assumes", } { "Half-Step Range on Pitch Bend.", } { "Parts and Voices", } { "At this Point in the Piece, Arrange Parts and Voices as Follows:", } { "&New Part...", } { "&Delete Part", } { "&Rename...", } { "St&art Voice", } { "St&op Voice...", } { "Sa&me...", } { "&Together", } { "&Separate", } { "Mo&ve...", } { "Don't Print", } { "Staff Lines:", } { "(0-12)", } { "Staff Size:", } { "Points", } { "Staff Type:", } { "Tab", } { "Stem Tab", } { "Piano Tab RH", } { "LH", } { "Uniform Stem Directions:", } { " ", } { "Use This Arrangement for \nthe Remainder of the Piece", } { "Create a New Piece:", } { "Name for First Part in Piece:", } { "Staff for First Part in Piece:", } { "Grand Staff", } { "After you click OK:", } { "- To enter notes, double-click in your piece,\n then play the keyboard.\n- Use Parts and Voices... to add parts and voices.\n- Use Insert Measures... to add pickup measures.\n- Use the Symbol menu to specify clefs and keys.", } { "(First click a voice's starting note or rest;\nuse Shift-click to do several voices at once.)", } { "Begin Free Run", } { "Click Here if You Paid", } { "Lime ^0", } { "Music Notation Software", } { "^1\n^2\n^3", } { "For those who have paid for Lime, a consultant is available:", } { "Thank you for purchasing Lime!\n\nYou will be sent an acknowledgement of your payment.", } { "Type the password included in the acknowledgement,\nto make Lime stop reminding you to pay:", } { "Tempo Assistant", } { "Tempo:", } { "Rate:", } { "Beat:", } { "After you click OK, you can move the tempo marking using Alt-drag.", } { "Dynamics Assistant", } { "Dynamic:", } { "After you click OK, you can move the dynamic using Alt-drag.", } { "Fret Grid Assistant", } { "Fret Grid:", } { "String 1:", } { "String 2:", } { "String 3:", } { "String 4:", } { "String 5:", } { "String 6:", } { "After you click OK, you can move the fret grid using Alt-drag.", } { "Chord Symbol Assistant", } { "Chord:", } { "Quality:", } { "Extension:", } { "Suffix:", } { "Bass:", } { "After you click OK, you can move the chord symbol using Alt-drag.", } { "General MIDI Assistant", } { "General MIDI Class:", } { "General MIDI Instrument:", } { "After you click OK, you can hide this using the Hidden annotation control. Later, if you wish to see the hidden text, use the Hidden Text... menu option.", } { "NIFF", } { "Choose ^0 options:", } { "Resize using standard staff sizes. (Recommended.)", } { "Preserve graphical alignment of voices. (Recommended for error correction. Red rests are added to compensate for nearby duration errors.)", } { "To correct note durations, select Enable Duration Edits, \nclick on a note, and click on the correct duration in the Piano Window.", } { "To correct clefs or keys, select Change Graphic Only \nin the Clef... and Key Signature... menu options.", } { "Use specified voice assignment.", } { "Have Lime assign voices.", } { "Use only one Lime voice per staff. ", } { "Welcome to Lime Viewer", } { "Lime Viewer ^0", } { "Music Notation Viewer", } { "Title Assistant", } { "Title for Piece:", } { "After you click OK, you can change the font and size of the title using the Annotation menu. You can reposition the title with Alt-drag (move the mouse near either end of the title, then hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse).", } { "Delete existing Title", } { "Composer Assistant", } { "Composer's Name:", } { "After you click OK, you can change the font and size of the composer's name using the Annotation menu. You can reposition the composer's name with Alt-drag (hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse).", } { "Delete existing Composer's Name", } { "Choose Notation Contexts", } { "Skip Every Other Page", } { "Copyright Assistant", } { "Copyright Message:", } { "After you click OK, you can change the font and size of the copyright message using the Annotation menu. You can reposition it with Alt-drag (hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse).", } { "Delete existing Copyright Message", } { "Choose the type of Grace Note:", } { "Before the Note", } { "After the Note (Nachschlag)", } { "Performing optical music recognition\nusing the Liszt OMR engine.", } { "Symbol:", } { "After you click OK, you can move the ornament using Alt-drag.", } { "Other Symbols Assistant", } { "After you click OK, you can move the symbol using Alt-drag.", }